Secrets of Success Review

Insider Look at Russell Brunson’s New Project

Steve P Walton
12 min readFeb 27, 2024

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Russell Brunson, the CEO and co-founder of ClickFunnels, has embarked on a new venture that marries his passion for entrepreneurship with his deep reverence for the pioneers of personal development and success literature. His latest project, “Secrets of Success,” is an online mastermind community designed to serve as a beacon for entrepreneurs, seekers, and small business owners who are eager to delve deeper into the philosophies that have shaped the modern landscape of success and entrepreneurship.

But what exactly is “Secrets of Success,” and what does it offer? More importantly, is it the right fit for you? In this comprehensive review, we will explore the current offerings of the “Secrets of Success” mastermind, uncover Russell’s generous free gift to new members, and illuminate his long-term vision for this burgeoning community.

Prepare to embark on a journey through the foundational pillars of personal development and success, guided by some of the most influential thinkers of the past century, as we unravel the essence of “Secrets of Success.” Let’s dive in.

>>Sign Up for Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich Challenge (Free)

Executive Review

Don’t have time for the full article? What you need to know:

Russell Brunson has spent roughly $3 million acquiring lost, unpublished, out of print, and first-edition copies of books and manuscripts from Napoleon Hill and other success philosophers and leaders of the New Thought Movement.

Brunson holding original Napoleon Hill manuscript

Together with his partner Justin Benton, they have created a membership site called “Secrets of Success.” In here, you’ll find full courses, books, audiobooks, and other content from the original thought leaders in personal development and success.

As a risk-free offer, Russell Brunson is giving away:

  • 30 days access to the Secrets of Success Members area
  • 3 Napoleon Hill books
  • Audiobook (read by Russell Brunson) of Hill’s original “The Law of Success”
  • Members only Secrets of Success podcast

All for free — just cover shipping for your books.

Click Here to Get Access to Secrets of Success Today.

Secrets of Success — Free offer

Better than reading reviews is to just get your risk-free membership for one month. If Secrets of Success is not for you, easily cancel before your 30 day trial is over.

Start Your 30 Day Trial Today.

Not ready to test-drive the members area? Read the full Secrets of Success review below.

Russell’s Introduction to Napoleon Hill

The seed for Russell Brunson’s profound connection to the teachings of Napoleon Hill was planted at the very outset of his marketing career.

During one of his first forays into the world of marketing seminars, a speaker posed a question to the audience:

“Who here has read ‘Think and Grow Rich’?”

Nearly every hand in the room went up — except for Russell’s.

This moment was a catalyst for Russell, igniting a curiosity and thirst for knowledge that would shape the trajectory of his career. He promptly acquired the audiobook version of Hill’s seminal work and embarked on a journey that would deeply influence his philosophy on success and entrepreneurship.

Napoleon Hill’s vision of creating a school and library dedicated to teaching the principles of success never came to fruition during his lifetime, but his dream did not die with him. Russell Brunson, now a successful entrepreneur and thought leader in his own right, has taken up Hill’s mantle.

Russell’s quest for knowledge led him to spend millions of dollars amassing a collection of original first edition books by Napoleon Hill and his contemporaries — books that Russell is now eager to share with the members of the Secrets of Success community.

One of many first edition, signed books in Russell Brunson’s collection

This collection represents more than just a personal obsession with rare books; it signifies Russell’s commitment to preserving and disseminating the original teachings of the pioneers of personal development.

Russell, along with his partner Justin Benton set off to build “Secrets of Success” to share this treasure trove of content with this audience.

By making these resources available, Russell aims to continue Napoleon Hill’s legacy and further his own, with the Secrets of Success community serving as the online home of the school and library Hill once envisioned.

Through the Secrets of Success mastermind, Russell Brunson is not just sharing knowledge; he’s inviting members to join him in a continuous quest for growth, understanding, and, ultimately, success.

Get Your Copy of “Think and Grow Rich” free here.

Russell’s “Most Incredible Free Gift Ever” (MIFGE)

In a move that underscores his commitment to sharing the wealth of knowledge contained within the Secrets of Success community, Russell Brunson has introduced what he calls the “Most Incredible Free Gift Ever” (MIFGE).

If you’re at all interested in personal development and entrepreneurship, this MIFGE is an offer you can’t refuse…

Russell’s free gift is a carefully curated package designed to provide immediate value and insight to those interested in exploring the depths of success principles. It includes:

Three Napoleon Hill Books

Handpicked from Brunson’s collection, these books are not merely texts but treasures that encapsulate the wisdom of the ages. They serve as a tangible connection to the legacy of the personal development giants whose works are featured in the Secrets of Success library.

This includes a copy of Hill’s classic “Think and Grow Rich,” with a new forward written by Russell Brunson.

Russell Brunson’s free version of “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

In addition to the best-seller, Brunson has included two never published Napoleon Hill books from his collection that were never published — and can’t be found online.

Get more information here.

One Month Access to Secrets of Success

This free trial period allows newcomers to log in and immerse themselves in the wealth of resources available within the mastermind community.

From original manuscripts and audiobooks to courses and lectures, members can explore the foundational materials that have influenced generations of successful individuals.

Members-Only Podcast

Exclusive to the Secrets of Success community, this podcast features discussions, insights, and interviews that delve deeper into the principles of success. It’s a way to engage with the material on a different level, offering inspiration and practical advice on the go.

Russell’s Audiobook of “The Law of Success”

Perhaps the crown jewel of the MIFGE, this audiobook is Brunson’s narration of Napoleon Hill’s original manuscript for “The Law of Success.”

This version is presented as Hill intended, before publishers’ edits and changes. It’s a rare opportunity to hear one of the most influential success manuals in its purest form, brought to life by Brunson’s passion and understanding of Hill’s work.

Collectors wanted $1.5 million just for this book. You get access to it for free inside the members area.

Russell’s investment in first-edition, lost and out of print books

The MIFGE is more than just a collection of items; it’s a gateway to a journey of discovery and growth. By offering this gift, Brunson invites individuals to step into a world where the teachings of past masters are not only preserved but made active and relevant for today’s challenges and opportunities.

Note: This is a free offer. Brunson only asks that you cover shipping to have the physical books delivered to your home.

For those that do not want to pay for shipping, there is also an option to ONLY get access to the membership site for $1. This removes all risks to check out what Secrets of Success has to offer.

It’s truly a no-brainer.

Click here to test-drive Secrets of Success today.

This ‘free offer’ initiative also serves as an introduction to the larger vision of the Secrets of Success community. It’s a glimpse of the transformative potential that lies in studying the principles of success as laid out by the pioneers of the movement.

Through this free gift, Brunson not only shares invaluable resources but also extends an invitation to join a community of like-minded individuals committed to personal and professional growth.

In embracing the MIFGE, recipients are taking the first step towards continuing Napoleon Hill’s legacy and Russell Brunson’s modern interpretation of it. They are entering a space where the collective wisdom of decades is at their fingertips, ready to be applied to their own paths to success.

Get Russell’s Free Offer Today.

Inside the Members Area

Russell Brunson’s first edition copy of “Mental Dynamite” by Napoleon Hill

At the core of the Secrets of Success mastermind community lies a profound respect for the legacy of the titans of personal development and entrepreneurship.

Russell Brunson’s dedication to preserving and sharing the original teachings of these pioneers is evident in the comprehensive collection of works available to members.

This collection is not just a library; it’s a gateway to the minds of the individuals whose ideas have shaped the course of personal development and business strategy for over a century.

The Secrets of Success membership offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the works of legends such as:

Napoleon Hill, whose “Think and Grow Rich” remains one of the best-selling books of all time, offering timeless principles of success.

W. Clement Stone, a formidable businessman and philanthropist, who co-authored “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude” with Napoleon Hill.

Orison Swett Marden, the founder of Success Magazine and a prolific writer who emphasized the power of positive thinking and personal growth.

Charles F. Haanel, known for “The Master Key System,” a book that has influenced many by its comprehensive approach to personal development and the law of attraction.

Elsie Lincoln Benedict, renowned for her work on understanding human behavior and maximizing potential.

Elizabeth Towne, a leading figure in the New Thought movement, who shared wisdom on the law of attraction and personal power.

Robert Collier, whose book “The Secret of the Ages” sold over a million copies during his lifetime, teaching the power of the subconscious mind.

P.T. Barnum, not just a showman but also an author who shared principles of business and personal success.

Elbert Hubbard, a writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher who influenced early 20th-century thought.

Samuel Smiles, a Scottish author who promoted self-improvement and individual responsibility in works like “Self-Help.”

Related: Join Russell Brunson’s 3-Day “Think and Grow Rich Challenge”

This list continues with modern-day luminaries such as Jim Rohn, Maxwell Maltz, Andrew Carnegie, Earl Nightingale, and many more, each contributing their unique insights and strategies for success, personal development, and wealth creation.

By bringing together the original works of these authors, Russell Brunson provides Secrets of Success members with a rare opportunity to draw directly from the source.

W. Clement Stone — author and entrepreneur

This rich tapestry of wisdom not only honors the legacy of these pioneers but also ensures their teachings continue to inspire and guide future generations of entrepreneurs and seekers.

Related: Outwitting the Devil Review — Is Napoleon Hill’s Book Worth Reading?

This section of the mastermind is more than just access to content; it’s an invitation to stand on the shoulders of giants. Members are encouraged to explore these works, reflect on their teachings, and apply these timeless principles to their own lives and businesses.

Through this exploration, the Secrets of Success community is not just learning from the past; they are actively participating in the ongoing dialogue between these titans of thought and the modern world, forging new paths to success on the foundations laid by the pioneers of personal development and entrepreneurship.

Get Started with Secrets of Success Today.

The Atlas Research Center: A Vision for the Future

Russell Brunson’s ambition extends far beyond the confines of an ordinary online mastermind community. His long-term vision encompasses the creation of the Atlas Research Center — a multifaceted institution that aims to serve as a school, museum, library, and events center dedicated to the study and celebration of personal development and entrepreneurship.

Central to this vision is the incorporation of cutting-edge virtual reality technology to transcend geographical limitations.

This innovative approach ensures that Secrets of Success members from around the globe can access the Atlas Research Center’s resources, participate in live events, and immerse themselves in an environment that fosters learning and growth, regardless of their physical location.

The heart of the Atlas Research Center is its library, a treasure trove of original first edition books and manuscripts from the pioneers of the new thought movement, including Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, and many others from the New Thought movement listed above.

Brunson’s vision for the library

This collection is not merely for display; it is a living repository of knowledge, offering members direct access to the source material that has informed countless success stories and best-selling personal development content.

In addition to the library, the Atlas Research Center plans to host live events featuring thought leaders in personal development and entrepreneurship. These events are designed to inspire, educate, and foster a sense of community among attendees, further enriching the Secrets of Success experience.

Design for the live events stage

Russell Brunson is more than just a ‘vision.’ Brunson has already purchased the land and began the process of desigining and building the structure.

His long-term vision for the Atlas Research Center is a bold statement of his commitment to advancing the study of personal development and entrepreneurship. It represents a bridge between the past and the future, providing a space where the timeless wisdom of the pioneers of success literature can be studied, debated, and applied in the modern world.

By offering both physical and virtual access to its resources, the Atlas Research Center aims to become a global hub for anyone seeking to unlock their potential and achieve success.

This ambitious project reflects Russell Brunson’s dedication to empowering individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to transform their lives and the world around them.

Join Secrets of Success Today.

Secrets of Success Review

Russell Brunson and Justin Benton revealing the MIFGE

In conclusion, the Secrets of Success mastermind community, envisioned and brought to life by Russell Brunson, stands as a beacon for entrepreneurs, dreamers, and seekers of wisdom.

It’s more than just a platform; it’s a vibrant ecosystem where the past and present merge, offering unparalleled access to the teachings that have shaped the ethos of personal development and entrepreneurship.

Through Brunson’s generous sharing of his vast collection of first-edition books, audiobooks, and courses, members are granted a unique opportunity to learn directly from the pioneers of the New Thought movement and the architects of success as we know it today.

This community is not just about accessing a rich repository of knowledge; it’s about continuing a legacy — that of Napoleon Hill and many others who believed in the transformative power of mastermind groups, positive thinking, and relentless pursuit of personal and professional growth.

By offering a blend of virtual and physical experiences, Brunson ensures that these teachings transcend geographical boundaries, allowing anyone, anywhere, to tap into the collective wisdom of centuries.

Moreover, the “most incredible free gift ever” (MIFGE) underscores Brunson’s commitment to spreading this knowledge, providing newcomers with a taste of the transformative potential housed within the Secrets of Success.

From the exclusive podcast to the comprehensive access to foundational texts and modern interpretations, every aspect of the community is designed to empower individuals to unlock their potential and achieve their dreams.

As we look towards the future, the vision for a physical and virtual school, museum, and events center dedicated to the principles of success is a testament to the enduring relevance of these teachings.

The Secrets of Success mastermind community is not just a repository of knowledge; it is a living, breathing entity that evolves, grows, and inspires, much like the individuals it seeks to uplift.

For anyone standing on the precipice of their journey towards success, or those well on their way but seeking deeper insights and connections, the Secrets of Success offers a unique and invaluable resource.

It’s an invitation to be part of a legacy of learning, growth, and achievement, guided by the giants of the past and the visionaries of today.

In the world of personal development and entrepreneurship, the Secrets of Success mastermind community is indeed a treasure chest waiting to be unlocked.

Get Started with Russell Brunson’s New “Think and Grow Rich Challenge”



Steve P Walton

10+ years as an online writer, editor, and ghostwriter. I enjoy writing about personal finance, entrepreneurship, and the US economy.