Simple Timeline Animations

Sean Duggan
2 min readNov 19, 2023


For the sake of learning how to use the Unity Timeline, I’m going to create three animation clips for a simple scene with a sphere and a plane, and play with moving them around.

First Animation

I’ll open the Timeline with Window / Sequencing / Timeline, and create a new Director and Timeline Asset by clicking on the Create button in the Timeline.

To create the animation, I drag the sphere into the timeline, and I’ll choose to add an Animation track.

Then, to create the first animation, I click on the Record button, add an initial key, and then create a few more frames, the same was as we’ve done before for simple animations. I’ll then right-click and Convert to Clip Track.

Other Animations

I’ll do the same for two more clips, one having it move another direction laterally (and change scale) and the third having it move up and down. Here are the three animations in that order:

Now, of course, I can rearrange those animations, including having them overlap.

I can also Control-Click on the ends of an animation to change its Ease-In and Ease-Out.

That wraps up the simple changes I’m doing for the moment. Soon, we’ll be doing some more sophisticated things.

