5starts incubator programme continues strongly with announcement of batch #2; Sold-Out audience at Demo Day.

sektor5 concluded its first 5starts incubator batch with a Demo Day on 2 June 2016. The Startup-teams of batch #1 (ChillBill, Pagestrip and ExtraSauber) pitched in front of a sold-out audience. 5starts also proudly announces a spectacular line-up for batch #2.

sektor5 co-working spaces
4 min readJun 6, 2016
5starts Demo Day was moderated by Dave Dempsey/Radio FM4. Photo by Cliff Kapatais.


5starts is sektor5’s homegrown startup incubator. It was established in January 2016 with support from AWS‘s JumpStart Initiative. 5starts is already considered an unrivalled success in Austria.

5starts gives selected start-ups the opportunity to receive special sektor5-treatment for five months during which they can truly focus on advancing their product. 5starts organizes tailor-made workshops, trainings and hackathons, but also offer access to the sektor5 alumni network and the investor eco-system.

Christian Pauls of ExtraSauber expands on 5starts’ impact on his business. Photo by Cliff Kapatais.

Christian Pauls of ExtraSauber: “We are very happy that we could join 5starts. This program helped us a lot to improve ExtraSauber’s user experience, through which we could gain an increased trust in our brand. We now have a much better customer retention.”

Perks & Beyond for Batch # 1

Crucially, the perks are far from over after the initial 5starts-cycle:

ChillBill have been awarded an additional 3 free months at sektor5 coworking spaces to continue their work in a relaxed and fortuitous environment.

ExtraSauber have been selected to receive a 5starts PR-Package around a topic of their choosing.

PageStrip will receive a workshop at the AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology) about Technology- and Service-Acceptance, instructed by psychologist Marc Busch, who specialises in user-centered technology and service design.

All three startups receive exclusive expansion-coaching with the Vienna Business Agency, free IP consulting at AWS (Austria Wirtschafts Service) patenting departments, and der brutkasten will support all 3 startups with advertorials or otherwise.

Announcement: Line-up for Batch # 2 of 5starts

5starts was only just established at the beginning of 2016 with 3 startups. It is testament to sektor5’s commitment that the line-up for the second batch is almost doubled. The startups in the 5starts incubator programme starting in June 2016 are, in no particular order:

Vienna Würstelstand

A media-company with a digital magazine and urban living guide at its heart. Independent, smart, to the point. With a diverse business and revenue model, Vienna Würstelstand seeks innovation in the age-old industry of publishing.

The World Population Project / World Data Labs

The largest dataset of its kind, mapping every person in the world by age and estimating their life expectancy. The team expanded and will now start to work on their ‘poverty clock’ measuring income levels and poverty in real time.


A smart card that can store all loyalty, gift and payment cards on one device no bigger than your regular credit card.


An advertising platform, where car-sharing enterprises such as Uber or DriveNow can get their cars wrapped with advertisements. Folyo features GPS-tracking, brand campaigns are worked out by driven kilometers.

Retention Machine

The Retention Machine started as a tool with which ExtraSauber scratched their own itch. Developed in batch #1 and now part of batch #2 as a spin-off, the Retention Machine automates the whole customer lifecycle mailings without losing targeting or personality.

Thank you to our partners and sponsors:

Tracxn, who provided startup research reports for members of batch #2!
Wirtschaftsagentur Wien
Der Brutkasten
Fritz Kola


Full photo-recap (Facebook)
Background Batch #1
Coworking space meets startup incubator: sektor5 in Vienna to run global incubator “5starts” in 2016

Press Contact:

Daniel Eberharter, MA (Hons)
+43 676 388 2951



sektor5 co-working spaces

sektor5 hosted entrepreneurs in Vienna for 7 great years and now focuses on investment management of its alumni companies from the 5starts accelerator.