Calendar management(Google Calendar)

Semyon Kolosov
5 min readSep 19, 2023

Google Calendar, like Shangzong in Mortal Kombat, can replace several services. You can’t have a calendar without a Google account, which gives us even more tools in the ecosystem. The key advantage of the calendar is the ability to see the time. Therefore, treat its functions carefully in order to optimize to the maximum.

My Calendar

1. Use color indication and headings design.

Different types of events can be marked with different colors. This is very convenient, as you can visually see the load, priorities and potential free slots in the calendar. For example, devote blue to work meetings, yellow — to household chores, black — to non-working hours, etc. I advise you to highlight the sleep time and non-working time in separate colors. By default, the interface is white, and it seems that there is plenty of free time at the bottom and top. Don’t be ridiculous to yourself. There is very little free time before and after work, if you take into account travel time, household chores and meals. Highlighting events with colors allows you to see white slots of free or buffer time.

2. Select the default event duration.

You can choose the default duration of the event so that you don’t have to change it manually every time. I use a 45-minute slot as standard and try not to make slots less than 30 minutes. Although there are quick meetings of 15 minutes at work. When people start using the calendar, they try to fill it out in great detail. It is better not to make bundles of small slots, as it will be more difficult to manage the calendar. For example, in the morning you brush your teeth, take a shower, read and have breakfast. There is no need to start all slots separately. Collect them in one slot “Morning Rituals”, and write down the details inside, if necessary.

3. Use the layering of the calendar.

On the left, in the calendar panel, you can see your own and other people’s calendars, as well as tasks and reminders. In addition to the main calendar, you can create additional ones. For example, a calendar of birthdays or a schedule for the release of content. You can switch between calendars, look at several at the same time and copy events between calendars. When you create events, you can choose the type “Task” or “Reminder”. This is very convenient, you can look at the meeting tables and slots for work separately. Thanks to this, we have the task manager functionality right in the calendar. There is a place on the right in the calendar panel where the task list is stored. You can create lists of tasks and subtasks inside, which will immediately be displayed in the calendar.

4. Set up reminders.

By default, an event reminder is sent in 10 minutes. You can change this time or add additional reminders. One reminder can be missed or forgotten, so it’s better to be safe for important events. For example, I have three reminders for friends’ birthdays: in a week, in two days and in a day in order to have time to prepare in advance. You can also set up an agenda reminder. Every morning you’ll receive a summary for the day with all the tasks and time.

5. Try Google Keep Notes.

In the right part of the interface, where the tasks are located, there is a place for notes. It’s not just a place for writing. This is a full-fledged Google Keep note-taker. If you are looking for a replacement for Microsoft OneNote, then Google Keep will definitely be on the lists. This is a full-fledged separate application with the ability to use it directly in the calendar. Google Keep is able to make text notes, audio notes, upload photos, make checklists, recognize text and transcribe audio. It’s available on all devices, and it has a cool interface. All in all, you have a calendar, tasks and notes in one place. Excellent self-organization system. Therefore, I always suggest beginners starting with a calendar.

6. Use shared access.

Give access to the calendar to close people or colleagues, and also subscribe to their calendar. With the “free time” function, you can always find a slot that is free for all participants of the event. Set up working hours, specify vacations, and select non-appointment intervals. Do not ask, “when will you be able to meet or call?”, look at the calendar yourself and make an appointment. Sharing a calendar is very convenient for work and personal use, tell your friends about it. Google didn’t pay me for advertising, but there’s just nothing better yet.

7. Learn the functions and integrations.

I think you can already guess what will happen here. There are a lot of functions in Google Calendar, be sure to study them and customize the calendar for yourself. There are many additions and connections to Google services for the calendar. Standard settings and functions are quite enough, but non-standard scenarios can be implemented with Zapier, IFTTT or Integromat.

The above recommendations are what to pay attention to first. I tried very hard not to go into the details and description of the tutorials. It goes without saying that these are not all functions that can optimize the operation of the system. Start small, learn the functions, adjust everything for yourself, get used to it, and then you will experiment. I’m not trying to persuade you to choose my tools. I have given examples so that they can be implemented immediately tomorrow. Keep an eye on new services, try and look for new scenarios for optimal system performance. Who knows, maybe you will be the author of the new Getting Things Done or the creator of a new service.

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Semyon Kolosov

I'm a book author, сonsultant and mentor for entrepreneurs and managers. I write about management for life and work.