Process optimization

Semyon Kolosov
5 min readSep 20, 2023

In the previous section, I described the principles of optimizing the management system. I wrote that you should pay attention to the scenarios inside the system. Now I want to say that scenarios outside the system can also be influenced. The scenario describes the behavior of the system when it interacts with someone or something. It is a sequence of steps that describe the actions and reactions of the system. Using a sequence of steps, you can describe any process. This allows you to see all the boundaries, connections, actions, roles and resources involved. Then you can analyze the process and optimize it.

Therefore, to optimize processes, you need to be able to describe them and design new processes. There are simple and complex processes. It also happens that processes are intertwined with each other, or roles are involved in several processes at the same time. Of course, it is difficult to model such connections in your head. To describe processes, you can use BPMN schemes that are used to describe business processes.

BPMN is a Business Process Model and Notation, a flowchart compilation method that displays the stages of a business process from start to finish. BPMN diagrams clearly and in detail demonstrate the sequence of work actions, as well as the movement of information and resources needed to complete the process. In business, BPMN schemes help to model the process and then increase its efficiency: automate, shorten, replace, etc.

Example of BPMN-scheme

As you can see in the picture, the BPMN scheme is a horizontal flowchart that shows the flow of the process. It is divided by tracks with roles so that you can see who is performing what action at each step. In the scheme, rectangles are actions or tasks, rhombuses are forks or branches of the process, and circles are the beginning and end of the process. There are much more graphic designations in BPMN. Basic notation is enough for us.

If you want to optimize the process, then you need to describe it in the form of a BPMN scheme. Say it out load about how the process is working. Then draw the scheme on paper or in any service where it is convenient. Personally, I use Miro. It is important to check carefully that you have taken into account all the steps and roles. Watch a video about BPMN on YouTube and practice on simple processes. Note that there are processes where you do a lot of actions alone.

Then there will be locations or specific places in the “swimming paths” instead of roles. For example, make a BPMN scheme of how soup is prepared. Write down the main steps and places that you will need in the kitchen. Assign place names to the tracks and place steps on them. Try to detail the process as much as possible to fill your hand. Then select the places that can be optimized. After such exercises, the rule of the “working triangle in the kitchen” appeared. The Germans analyzed the movements of people cooking food. The distances traveled were measured and the time spent was calculated. To reduce the time spent, they designed the layout of the kitchen with the optimal location of the refrigerator, sink and stove.

The principle of the “working triangle” still underlies the ergonomics of kitchen spaces. A similar story happened to McDonald’s. The McDonald brothers drew the burger production process and optimized it. You know perfectly well how the McDonald’s machine works. By the way, watch the movie “The Founder”, learn a lot about McDonald’s. I’m not motivating you to start doing kitchen repairs. You need to learn how to look at processes through BPMN modeling in order to improve them. Often the points of improvement are not obvious, and the BPMN scheme helps to recognize them.

The main methods of process optimization are the elimination of unnecessary steps, changing the sequence, separation, unification and automation. The more experience you have, the less details you will be able to display on the scheme. When you get used to thinking in schemes, you will be able to modify them, link them together and automatically apply them to different situations. I mostly use BPMN or flowcharts for the following types of tasks.

1. Optimization of business processes.

Everything is according to the classics, as described in the BPMN application. I design new operational processes or describe current ones for optimization. For example, collecting reports, implementing a project, or preparing cases in a portfolio. They also use BPMN schemes in the form of instructions to explain to employees how the process works. You can use BPMN to plan complex processes. I refer to such processes all non-trivial and abstract processes that I have not encountered before. Before planning, I collect an action map with the main steps, roles and locations. Then I put together an action plan. More like scribing, but in the style of BPMN.

2. Route optimization.

I use BPMN to build complex routes when it is necessary not just to mark points on the map, but to calculate all transfers, check-ins, risks, tasks, etc. My wife and I often travel by ourselves, without package tours. When we flew to Brazil and Argentina via Paris and Casablanca, we had 16 flights, accommodation was not booked anywhere, and we had tons of plans. Before the trip, I drew tracks of locations and described the planned actions step by step. Noted the time of arrivals, departures, registrations, routes, attractions, etc. The goal was — at least not to be late and not get lost, but it turned out to be an optimal route and a very eventful journey. If we had sorted it out on the spot, we would have spent a bunch of meaningless hours at airports and hotels.

Don’t think that I’m a freak who draws flowcharts a hundred times a day. I mostly use them for work. I wanted to show you where and how you can use a simple tool that will help with planning and improving processes. It is not necessary to use BPMN schemes in their original form. At first, these can be any schemes that can visually represent a process or activity. With this approach, you increase the chances of finding the right point of application of efforts for optimization and not doing unnecessary actions.

“If you can’t describe what you’re doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing”

Edwards Deming

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Semyon Kolosov

I'm a book author, сonsultant and mentor for entrepreneurs and managers. I write about management for life and work.