SendingNetwork Updates (Q1 2024)

Sending Labs
4 min readApr 17, 2024


Founders’ journey into Web3

The genesis of our story goes all the way back to 2005, at a college hacker house meeting. Five years after that meeting our founders dreamt up and built the Dolphin Browser, a direct Chrome and Safari competitor. At its peak, Dolphin had over 200 million people using the browser until one day the app was abruptly delisted from Google Play store. With the power of the Dolphin community the app got re-listed and shot up to the number one spot in the Google Play store, however the lesson had already been learnt.

Sending Labs team

The first piece of the story that set our founders’ trajectory to eventually become Web3 founders was the power of an engaged community in times of adversity.
The second piece is the psychological realization as founders that products that relied on third party tech giants could be removed even while abiding by their code of conduct.

These lessons learned, combined with the realization that Web3 participants have to deal with the fact that our communication happens on centralized platforms like Telegram and Discord. The vision for SendingNetwork begins with reinventing communication through wallet-to-wallet messaging.

Read more about our Founders’ journey into Web3 here.

The SendingNetwork Whitepaper

The SendingNetwork Technical Architecture

In line with our founders vision and roadmap, we published our latest whitepaper which outlines how we are rethinking how current messaging communications work. Our thought process involved considering everything from interoperability challenges to privacy concerns.

Thinking through this made it apparent that there was an urgent need for decentralized messaging. We are focused on creating the required communication network that also delivers an experience that is efficient, secure, and flexible for both developers and users. Getting this right will be no easy task however we believe the solutions which we propose in our whitepaper are a compelling approach to achieving our objectives.

Explore the SendingNetwork whitepaper here.

Ecosystem Updates

In our commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation, we hosted two engaging Twitter Spaces sessions in collaboration with Bloomverse, Timeless Wallet, and Basename. These sessions provided valuable insights and discussions, further strengthening our network and partnerships within the blockchain space.

We’ve experienced remarkable growth across our social platforms, with significant milestones reached in terms of followers and community members. Our Twitter accounts, SendingMe and SendingNetwork, now boast 98.3k and 48k followers, respectively. Additionally, our Discord community has expanded to 34.8k members, culminating in an impressive total of 180k community members across platforms. This surge in community engagement reflects the growing interest in our vision and offerings.

Developer Updates 👩🏻‍💻

The first quarter of 2024 was a very busy and exciting period for our engineering team. Our Private Beta Testing Campaign was successfully concluded with an incredible turnout from our community.

  1. Alpha-1 Testnet Mining Launched: Now you can run Edge nodes to relay messages and accumulate SendingNetwork points. Implemented points system to reward miner with points. We invited all the 859 raffle winners in the Galxe campaign to join us. Find the list of winners here.
  2. A new Auto-reply Bot within the SendingMe app facilitates easy querying of node stats, enhancing user experience.
  3. We’ve addressed various performance issues, including room pagination to smoothen message retrieval and encryption fixes for group chats.
  4. Implementation of websocket support has improved message syncing, enhancing platform stability.
  5. We’ve also rectified bugs related to group invitations across multiple Delegation nodes and refreshed the SendingNetwork official website for an enhanced user experience.Further improved stability issues related to multi-device message end-to-end encryption.

Our Dev team also worked on several fixes which can be seen here and recently we published an article titled “Communication: The Vital Pillar of DePIN’s Infrastructure Trio”. For 24/7 Dev Support with Testnet Alpha-1, join our Discord here.

We also announced our upcoming WatchDog Node Sale. Our WatchDog Nodes enable participants to play a crucial role in our ecosystem by ensuring the relay of network messages, and securing rewards for their efforts in sharing bandwidth and storage. A Watchdog sends challenge messages to Edge nodes across the SendingNetwork, tracking availability. Working with the Guardians, it ensures these nodes function efficiently within the network.

The WatchDog Node Sale details are as follows:

  • 📅 Node Sale Launch: May
  • 🐶 Node Type: WatchDog Node
  • 💰 Node Reward: 12% $SEND Total Supply
  • 😇 Nodes become transferable one year after being purchased

More details about the Node Sale here.

Events 📆

Head of Ecosystem, Henry Johnson, at NFT Paris 2024

See the team at upcoming Events

  1. Token 2049 Dubai — April 18 2024 (link)
  2. Consensus US — May 29 2024 (link)
  3. EthCC Brussels — July 8 2024 (link)

For more event updates check our Twitter.

