To The Purpose Driven (Online) Churches

6 min readMar 30, 2020


Please be reminded of the context and purpose of this blog before proceeding. Official news and updates regarding the pandemic can be found here and/or here.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

165 Years…

11 Months…

28 Days…

Ago, a severe cholera epidemic began in the the Soho district of the City of Westminster, London, England known as the Golden Square outbreak (a part of a worldwide cholera pandemic that killed hundreds of people in mid-19th century). The response from the Prince of Preachers? Prioritization of local ministry:

During that epidemic of cholera, though I had many engagements in the country, I gave them up that I might remain in London to visit the sick and the dying. I felt that it was my duty to be on the spot in such a time of disease and death and sorrow. Autobiography of CHS 1:372

The Prince of Preachers, Charles H. Spurgeon, was never a stranger to the ministries of the Puritans of old as he was caring with those who were infected during the outbreak. He knew it wasn’t the time to just preach and stay indoors — for the Word was ever powerful in the works of those who live by it; he did not neglect the gathering, the breaking of bread and the preparation of sermons while doing visitations as what a good shepherd would do.

If there ever be a time when the mind is sensitive, it is when death is abroad. I recollect, when first I came to London, how anxiously people listened to the gospel, for the cholera was raging terribly. There was little scoffing then. Autobiography of CHS 1:371

In short, he simply had a good balance of what a pastoral ministry should be.

Fast-forward today and we have this data from Worldometers:

Data as of : March 30, 2020, 17:13 GMT

Click on Worldometers once more and you’ll see the numbers continue to increase. Will there be an end to this? Yes. Can the church do something about it? Yes. Is it prayer? Definitely. Is it just prayer? No.

(Now before you continue, please be reminded once more that the context of this article is for the Evangelicals, which is the purpose of this blog. Official news and updates regarding the pandemic can be found here and/or here.)

What do you suggest?

I believe even without referencing a study or data, you would be able to suggest what the trend likely is for churches these days. Yep. You guessed it right; online sermons. Ah church live-streams. And you’re not wrong at all for pointing that out as it’s highly popular trend in Google as of March 2020:

Is this a solution?

Probably the immediate answer to the question is yes. Regardless of whether you are attending a church that is conservative or liberal (evangelical or non-evangelical), you probably have encountered a friend who has shared or liked a post about their ongoing (or upcoming) livestream every Sunday since the quarantine started. Because, after all, we’re in the age of digital. And even if some groups wouldn’t embrace fully, it has become the most viable solution there ever is, adding to the reason why remote conferencing tools like Zoom are hitting an all-time high in stock.

Is this the only solution?

Now I believe the answer is a big no. And this is where I’d like to discuss a bit more and be a pilgrim’s voice to the all the Purpose Driven (not PDC) Online Churches out there. Yes, to the purpose driven, because I’d like this opportunity to be taken advantage of by churches who love to preach nothing in the pulpit but Jesus exalted high regardless of circumstances. And by Churches, it’s to the universal Church, who is the Bride of Christ that are currently unable to meet in person given the pandemic that forced us all to stay in our homes. (Be warned though of multiple verse citations ahead!)

Weeks after weeks and we are beginning to get accustomed to the new normal during Sundays. But it shouldn’t be the case though. It shouldn’t be an excuse for churches to stop their regular ministries all of a sudden simply because they are unable to physically gather. Hence, I came up with a list on how purpose driven online churches can maximize their quarantine (some in line with 1 Pet. 5:1–4):

  • Doing regular bible studies using any available online tool that will allow interactions for Q&As
  • Doing regular visitations via video conferencing to front-liners, regular members and those in the ministries to remind them that in Christ there is hope
  • Doing regular visitations via video conferencing to church members who are sick (non-COVID), depressed, and have other concerns they’d like to discuss with pastors or those mature in faith
  • Finding ways to encourage members to pray (and be prayed for) by utilizing an online tool that will allow a two-way communication
  • Ensuring the website of churches are donation-friendly and with updated opportunities to see which ministry/ies they can provide assistance (monetary or not)
  • Making their social media presence (particularly in content) fully engaging (both to members and non-members) by emphasizing how we as a church should confront the situation and submit to authority
  • Proceeding as usually (only for now online) until He returns 1 Tim.4:13
Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

And, of course, here are some of the ways we, the Bride, can respond:

  • Exhorting one another 1 Thess. 5:11
  • Devoting to the apostle’s teaching and fellowship, breaking of bread and to prayer Acts 2:42
  • Showing to the online world how we are not in anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phil. 4:6–7
  • Testifying the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and giving everything we can to each as any had need. Acts 4:32–35

— All these I believe can be done even virtually, for now.

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Yes, I agree it’s difficult. But the ability to still be able to connect using the Internet is a gift from God, His providence. (Neh. 9:6; Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3; Ps. 103:19; Matt. 10:29,30). Still, it has to be the task of the church to remind its members of these important truths and never to be shaken by the enemy 1 Pet. 5:8–9.

Finally, I believe that as Christians, we should never neglect the gathering Heb. 10:25 regardless of the circumstances, and should proceed as usual for the sake of His people 1 Tim. 4:13 until His return. Rev. 22:12

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The goal of Sentirem Draft is to help Evangelicals and churches utilize the use of today’s technology for the expansion & influence of God’s kingdom while sometimes addressing theological issues. — — —

The goal of Sentirem Draft is to help Evangelicals and churches utilize the use of today’s technology for the expansion & influence of God’s kingdom while sometimes addressing theological issues. Follow @sentiremdraft on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and here on Medium. You can also send an email at

