[Announcement] Settle Virtual Hackathon TWO — Nov. 26 — Dec. 10

Settle Finance
1 min readNov 2, 2018


You know how things always slow down around the holidays? And how you’re always itching to develop some new decentralized finance app, but there’s never an awesome new platform to develop one for, so you just while away the time eating leftovers and taking naps? 💤

Well while no more — the second Settle Virtual Hackathon is happening Nov. 26 — Dec. 10! You can register now; just go here — https://settle.finance/hackathon

We’re thrilled with our SVH1 winners👏 But there’s no reason for the hacking to stop —

  • SVH2 rules are similar to before
  • $5K prize pool — (1st) $3K (2nd) $1.5K (3rd) $500 (all paid in ETH)
  • 🏆 BONUS PRIZE of 1500 Dai for best app built on MakerDAO, which we’re proud to have as our first-ever Featured Protocol!!
  • Awesome panel of judges from all corners of DeFi
  • Settle API features include —
  • Price feed for current + historical prices
  • Portfolio data (e.g., trades, transactions, balances)
  • Webhook + authentication for building user-specific apps
  • Build a chat plug-in. Chat plug-ins are Settle apps installed by Chat Hub Owners for use by the members of their room

Don’t know about Settle yet? We’ve just launched! Let us know what you think! 🦖 Settle home 🦖 Twitter 🦖 Discord

And rest up after Black Friday, because you’ve got some hacking to do!

