Letter from asylum seekers in Nauru to PM Turnbull

Shane Bazzi
2 min readSep 27, 2015


Asylum seeker families at the Nauru detention centre have written a letter to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull urging him to show compassion and resettle them in Australia.

The asylum seekers write: “We have been kept in harsh condition in Nauru offshore detention centre for more than two years.

“We are very happy to hear the announcement that Australia is going to take thousands of refugees from the Syrian campaign. It will be a big relief for those people who have been suffering so much. We hope that Australia shows a welcoming hand for us too.

“Considering our condition in Nauru offshore detention centre you already know about our living conditions, our health conditions and all the sexual assaults toward children and women here at Nauru detention centre. We are pretty sure that you know we are experiencing gradual grinding down. Children are suffering from mental and physical problems due to the long period of being detained in an offshore detention facility. Children are talking about thoughts of self-harm and attempting to suicide.

“We hope you take this into account. Seeking asylum is not illegal. We are seeking your protection.

“We are demanding you to show compassion to our children, our wives, our husbands, and our families.

“We are looking forward to hearing from you very soon as we have been here for more than 24 months.

“We beg you to don’t make us disappointed.”

Letter from asylum seekers in Nauru to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Asylum seekers detained on Manus Island also wrote a similar letter to Mr Turnbull.

Mr Turnbull last week said: “It is absolutely clear that there will be no resettlement of people on Manus Island and Nauru in Australia. They will never come to Australia.”

