30-Day Personal Growth Challenge: Cultivate Positive Habits — Day 11

Vidya K.
4 min readDec 7, 2023


Remembered a famous quote by Aristotle,

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Speaking of habits, we are continuing on our series of cultivating positive habits in our life as a part of our 30-Day Personal Growth Challenge.

Let’s dive into our positive habit for today :)

Day 11 — Practice Positive Statements.

Source Credit: Lauraconteuse.com

Everyone knows about bank statements. But not many are out there who know or really understand the meaning of a ‘Positive Statement’. (Lol, jokes apart!)

Let’s try to understand in this post on what is a positive statement, why we need it in the first place and how can we create it for our personal growth.


Let’s get started!

Positive statements or what is normally called as ‘Affirmations’ are phrases that express a fact or a desired outcome, without any negative or doubtful words.

Photo by Matt Flores on Unsplash

Let’s take an example.

“I am confident and capable” is a positive statement or affirmation.

“I hope I don’t mess up” is a negative or doubtful statement.

Now, think - which one of the above do you use more in your daily life? :)

Some may say that positive statements or affirmations is just some wishful thinking.

Well, not really!

They are based on scientific principles of psychology and neuroscience. And based on a lot of research and studies in the recent past, they have proven benefits for our mental and physical health too.

Why do you need positive statements or affirmations in your life?

Did you know — your thoughts have a powerful influence on your reality?

What you think, you become.

What you focus on, you attract.

And what you believe, you achieve.

That is why it is so important to be mindful of what you say to yourself and to others, and to choose words that empower you, not limit you.

And so, positive statements help you to improve your self-esteem and motivation.

They allow you to overcome fear and anxiety, and replace them with optimism, courage and resilience.

They attract more positive experiences and opportunities into your life by aligning your thoughts and actions with your goals and values.

How do you practice positive statements or affirmations?

Repeat your crafted affirmations regularly, preferably every day to make them more effective and powerful.

By repeating them, you reprogram your subconscious mind and create new neural pathways in your brain.

This then helps you to change your habits, beliefs and behaviors much sooner than you think, and make them more supportive of your well-being and success.

Normally seen, there are some common ways to practice positive statements or affirmations — you can write them down, say them out loud, listen to them or visualize them.

The key is to find a method that works for you and to be consistent and persistent!

I’m sharing a few tips that I personally use in my life, and this should help you get started too:

  1. Choose positive statements or affirmations that resonate with you and are relevant to your current situation and goals. For example, if you want to improve your health, you can say “I am healthy and strong”, or “I respect my body”.
  2. Use the present tense and avoid words like “will”, “can” or “try”. This helps you to create a sense of certainty and avoid any doubt or hesitation in your mind. For example, instead of saying “I will be successful”, say “I am successful”.
  3. Use positive and affirmative words and avoid negative words like “not”, “don’t” or “cannot”. This helps you to focus on what you want and not what you don’t want, at the same time avoid any negativity or resistance. For example, instead of saying “I don’t have any problems”, say “I have solutions”.
  4. It is best to repeat your crafted positive statements or affirmations as often as possible preferably in the morning and at night, when your mind is more receptive and relaxed. You can also say them when you need a boost of confidence or inspiration. For example, before a meeting, a presentation or an exam, you can say “I am prepared and confident”, or “I am calm and focused”.
  5. Feel the emotion behind your affirmations and imagine how you would feel if they were already true. This allows you to create a stronger connection between your mind and your body and activate the law of attraction. For example, when you say “I am happy and grateful”, feel the happiness and gratitude in your heart. And smile :)

In summary, affirmations or positive statements contributes to your personal growth by helping you develop a more positive and empowering mindset.

You enhance your self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love by practicing these positive statements.

Intern, your creativity and happiness increase manifold.

Drop in your claps if this post was informative to you and I hope that you learned something new and useful too.

I encourage you to try positive statements for yourself and see the difference they can make in your life.

Remember, you are the creator of your own reality, and you have the power to change it for the better.

All you need is a positive attitude and some positive words!

Stay tuned for more posts from me as a part of this 30-Day Personal Growth Challenge series.

Until then, keep smiling and keep shining! 😊

See you soon!

P.S. Missed reading past week’s posts on this challenge series? Check out the Day-10 habit for your personal growth on the link here.



Vidya K.

Change-Maker. Life Coach. Thought Leader. 1.3M+ Views on Quora. Catalyst for Personal and Professional Growth. A Believer.