30-Day Personal Growth Challenge: Cultivate Positive Habits — Day 9

Vidya K.
4 min readNov 29, 2023


As we move into the 9th Day of this 30-Day Personal Growth Challenge, topic for today’s post is “Do One Thing You’re Afraid Of”.

Well, there was a time when I was afraid of sharing my thoughts openly on the internet like anyone else.

So, what did I do?

I acknowledged my fear, I reflected, and challenged it. Voila, here I am, like you, writing posts on Quora and Medium with some great writing milestones in my kitty :)

Source Credit: Lauraconteuse.com

Like me, if not in the present but stemming from your past experiences, there might be something that makes you feel scared, nervous, anxious or uncomfortable?

Maybe it’s public speaking or maybe it’s flying, or spiders, heights or something else.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

We are humans and all of us have fears innate us. And the truth is that they also can limit us from living our full potential.

But what if I told you that facing your fears can be one of the best things you can do for yourself?

Indeed, I did and some of you might have done too!

And for some of you out there who think it's a joke, I know it might sound crazy but hear me out.

When you beat the scare and do that one thing you’re afraid of, you have unimaginable benefits coming to you in return.

Let me outline some of the benefits for you (and for some of you out there, this might resonate too!):

  1. You feel proud of yourself and realize that you are capable of more than you thought.
  2. You gain respect from others who admire your courage.
  3. You become more comfortable with the task or experience over time.
  4. You learn to cope with uncertainty and stress better.
  5. You learn new skills and most importantly, you explore new aspects of yourself.
  6. You develop a growth mindset, which means that you see challenges as opportunities to learn rather than as threats or failures.
  7. You experience a rush of adrenaline, a sense of adventure and a feeling of accomplishment!
  8. You create new memories and have new stories to tell and inspire others.

Now, if you have faced fears in your life more than once, then you already know what I’m talking about!

Well, you may have a question that it's great to face fears, but how do we maintain control of ourselves and our minds in that journey?

So, here are some tips that I have personally experienced and can help you too:

1. Start small.

Lot many do the mistake of taking a big leap. Wait! Don’t jump into the deep end right away.

Start with something that is slightly scary, at the same time not too overwhelming.

For example, if you are afraid of public speaking, start small by giving a speech to a small group of friends rather than a large audience.

Build your confidence and skills gradually and beat your anxiety.

2. Do your research.

Prepare! Prepare! Prepare!

Cannot stress more!

If you are afraid of flying for instance, then learn about how planes work, what to expect during a flight and how you should cope with any turbulences along the way.

Make an effort to understand your fears better. You will find yourself much more in control of your journey.

3. Find support.

Make this process a little easier by having someone by your side to support you!

Find a friend, a family member or a coach who encourages you to pace forward when you’re feeling low.

There are online support groups too, so go ahead and share your fear with them and be open for advice and feedback.

4. Reward yourself.

You cannot complete a milestone without proper recognition of efforts!

Once you have worked upon your fears, challenged it and reached the target spot, make sure to reward yourself for your bravery and courageous efforts. You deserve it!

Treat yourself to something that makes you happy like a nice meal or a movie (you can engage in bigger gifts too if you will :))

Reinforce your positive experiences and motivate yourself to do more.

Remember, don’t let your fears stop you from living your dreams!

Yes, doing things you’re afraid of can be challenging but also rewarding.

It helps you to grow, to learn, to have fun with and to live life fully!

So, what are you waiting for?

Go ahead and try doing that one thing you’re afraid of today. You might be surprised by what you can do. 😊

Drop in your claps if this post resonated with you and if you too ever feared to share your thoughts on the internet for the first time like me :)

Save this post for your use so you can come back to it anytime in future when you need some inspiration to face your fears in life!

And do share it with your friends and family, you never know who might be in need of this little motivation today.

Landing on this post for the first time? Follow me on medium as we explore topics on personal growth and self-improvement. I will cover another positive habit in my next post as a part of this 30-Day Personal Growth Challenge series soon!

Until then, Face your fears and Live Life Fully :)

See you soon!

P.S. Missed reading past week’s posts on this challenge series? Check out the Day-8 habit for your personal growth on the link here.



Vidya K.

Change-Maker. Life Coach. Thought Leader. 1.3M+ Views on Quora. Catalyst for Personal and Professional Growth. A Believer.