Better Programmer in Six Months — II

Sharad Jain
2 min readAug 6, 2019


This is part of my series where I capture my journey for becoming a better software developer in six months. The first post from July is here

July — Review

  1. CS50 — I hardly made a dent in this and I only watch week 6 video which was about Python. I plan to block some time this week and complete all lectures along with their assignments.
  2. Personal website — For now, I feel the medium is serving the purpose of writing articles. I will defer this work to September or October.
  3. Algorithm And Data Structures by Bianca — I completed the first course and came up to half of the second course. Somehow I feel the previous 16-hour long course by Bianca in 2017 was more impactful but nevertheless, I plan to complete the whole series in the next 2 months.
  4. Algorithms — This is one area where I made significant waves this month by attempting close to 22 questions on leetcode while acquiring more insight and interest in topics like dynamic programming, bit manipulations.

In short apart from algorithms, I did not make any progress in other courses. Also, I tried to take up the coursera course on algorithms but did attend any lectures.

Plan — August

I have too many leaves planned in August and I expect slow progress and hence I am setting lower targets for this month.

Data structures and algorithms — I plan on keeping the pace and completing 25 more questions on stacks, queues and string algorithms. I also plan to complete the second course on FEM for data structures.

CS50 — I am already 5 months into the course and I plan to aggressively work on last 3 lectures in CS50 which covers Python, Flask, and SQL. I have not touched the database concepts in a long time and this will be a good refresher for me. I plan on taking a course on iOS development going forward.

Complete read “The pragmatic programmer” — I posted an article on the first two chapters but I am still left with 4 or 5 hours effort on completing the book.

Thanks for reading.

