Technological Situation Of Pakistan | Economic Crisis

Shariqa Mukhtar
5 min readNov 7, 2023


Poor economic situation of the country.

We are living in a world where we all hear news of a new invention every single day. Technological improvements and innovations in artificial intelligence, the medical field, the military, industries and even in games are on their way. In this developing world, the demand for technology is increasing.

The point of discussion is why Pakistan is backward in technology and why technological situation of Pakistan is suffering badly. Pakistan is considered among the largest young countries in the world. The youth rate of Pakistan is 63% of the total population, but still, they are far behind in the race of development and progress.

Why Pakistan is facing a Technological and Economic Crisis? or Why Technological Situation of Pakistan is facing severe problems?

Although Pakistan has a huge number of young and educated persons, it is still behind in the race of technology. Some of the major reasons for this crisis are:

1- The high inflation rate in Pakistan is leading it towards an economic crisis. According to the survey, Pakistan’s inflation rate hit a record of 36.5% in nearly the past 60 years.

Poor man sitting on the road

2- Low investment in tech start-ups is one of the major reasons that has left Pakistan far behind in technology. People are still not ready to invest in tech-based companies leading to critical technological progress.

3- Due to unemployment in Pakistan, a huge number of young graduates decide to go abroad and pursue their passion along with a handsome amount of money, which makes the country even backward leading to the economic crisis.

4- Poor educational system is also a major reason. Technology and education have a great link in the economic development of a country. The curriculum that is being taught in educational institutions of Pakistan is outdated which is why people are less skilled and have less knowledge for tech-demanded skills.

Poor children getting education in the village

5- Lack of awareness about technology is creating a gap in the way to progress.

6- Low-skilled labor in Pakistan is creating those men who have low productivity and are unable to handle sudden situations.

7- The energy crisis in Pakistan can also hinder progress in IT, industrial and other technological fields. Pakistan is not able to fulfill the energy demands of the industries.

Now let’s discuss how could Pakistan deal with these problems and enter the world of development to overcome technological as well as economic crisis:

1- Improving Educational System:

Pakistan is an emerging country with a great number of youngsters who have the willpower to change the fate of the country. But, the education system of Pakistan is so weak. The only step that the government of Pakistan should take is to implement such a curriculum that covers all those topics that are required to progress in the digital world.

2- Enhancing Skills Development:

Pakistan has several Software Engineers and Technicians in every field but there is no skilled labor in Pakistan. To overcome the economic crisis Pakistan should establish such vocational institutes which educate the students about the importance of Technology.

Visit this site that provides professional vocational training to all the needy youth in Pakistan:

3- Introducing a culture of innovation:

The government should make some improvements in the system by which they can spread awareness about the importance of innovation in life, the importance of risk-taking and adapting self to the new developing era. This will surely help the country in getting out of this severe economic crisis.

A girl learning some new skills from her tutor

4-Investing in tech start-ups:

Pakistani investors should highly invest in tech-based companies that do not have enough capital to stand in the tech industry. These start-ups should be encouraged and appreciated to drag Pakistan through this tough situation of technology crisis.

5-Facilitating technology transfer:

Pakistan should hire technicians from foreign countries who can easily transfer technology knowledge and can make Pakistan confident enough to stand in the tech industry.

A hired foreign technician teaching new skills to the young boys

6- Starting new projects and companies:

The government of Pakistan should also help entrepreneurs start their businesses by providing them with the facilities that they require. So, Pakistan will surely come out of the economic crisis as well as the unemployment rate will also decrease.

7-Stabilizing political condition:

Pakistan is ranked fifth in the world’s most populous countries. Even though Pakistan is a nuclear power, it is still considered a poor country due to political instability. The politicians are at war and the poor people of the country are crying for help due to increasing inflation and unemployment.

A well-known political leader Shahbaz Shareef with his party members.

No country can progress if the politicians continue to come in quick succession. By stabilizing the political situation of the country, they can improve economic conditions also.


From all the above-discussed causes and the solutions for taking Pakistan out of the technological and economic crisis, we can say that it’s not an easy task. But, with political stability and starting tech-related industries Pakistan can create a good image in the world.

Furthermore, the Government of Pakistan should establish tech-related schools to create awareness among people. This step can highly help unemployed and less educated Pakistanis in building their career. Also, it can give an advantage to Pakistan’s economy.

