8 Qualities All Great Hockey Officials Should Have

Shawn Corcoran
3 min readMar 7, 2018


As discussed in my previous blog post, many hockey officials must deal with a lot of criticism from players, coaches, and spectators. That being said, refereeing is not something that everyone is cut out to do. Below is a list of eight qualities that all good referees should have; some of these qualities are ones the referee must have from the start, and others are learned along the way.

1. Strong Communication Skills

Communication skills are arguably the most important quality that a referee can have, as officials are communicating constantly when they are on the ice. You must talk with the players, the coaches, the timekeeper, and your partners, so it is very important for you to be able to quickly and effectively communicate with them so that everyone is on the same page, and the game continues to flow. These skills come naturally to some, but for many people, especially young referees, it takes a bit of experience to perfect.

NHL referee’s huddling to discuss a call

2. Be Respectful

Being respectful is one of the qualities on this list that all referees must have regardless of your experience on the ice. A good official will treat everyone with respect, regardless of how they are being spoken to. It will help to foster a positive relationship with the other party for future games, and help calm others down in the heat of the moment.

3. Stay Consistent

Another very important quality for a hockey official to have is consistency. If you consistently make the same types of calls, the players, coaches and fans will begin to know what you will and won’t call, as well as it will keep the game fair for both teams. Consistency comes easier with experience; as officials grow, they develop a standard for their calls and call each game they officiate to that standard.

4. Be Persistent

Persistence is another one of the qualities that all referees must have from the start of their career until their very last game. Every ref will make mistakes and there is always room to improve your game. Those who continue to take the advice they receive, and use it to better their abilities are the ones who are most likely to succeed.

5. Good Judgement

Hockey is a quick paced game where one shift there can be nothing going on, and the next shift emotions can run high, and tempers can flare. A good hockey official will be able to read the game, and call what is needed depending on the current situation. This is also known as “Game management”, and it is a skill that referees learn over years of experience.

6. Put in Effort

Effort is something that is entirely controlled by the referee; if you want to improve, you must put effort into knowing the rules, improving your skating, procedures, and more. If a referee is not willing to put in effort from the start then it will be hard for mentors and supervisors to help them improve, and their lack of effort will often be noticed by coaches, players, and fans watching the game.

Hockey Canada Rulebook for the 2016–2018 Seasons

7. Show Integrity

Hockey Officials are meant to watch the game at hand, and enforce the rules written in the rule book to keep the game fair and safe for everyone involved. Although they are often expected to, referees won’t always see everything. It is okay to admit to a coach or player that you made a mistake and did not see a certain play; it is better to be honest than to make up an excuse.

8. Be Confident

Confidence could also be considered the most important quality of an official because if you look like you know what you are doing, you are less likely to be questioned. Confidence comes with experience, but by knowing your rules and putting in the effort to be in the right position to see the play, you will feel more confident in your calls.

Are there any other qualities you think a referee should have? If I missed any, let me know!

