Craving you down there

Poem - Fiction

A Shayens Abran
3 min readMar 24, 2024

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Desire poetry
Image by Vitaly Nikolenko via Unsplash

The silence presses in around me
Heavier than lead
Every breath I take feels laboured
As if I’m trying to push through water

I wish I could say that I’m surprised by this stillness
But the truth is, it feels all too familiar
It reminds me when your body lying exhausted by my side
After long hours of hot love

The clock strikes another hour…
And still I am alone…
My heart aches for something
I can’t quite put my finger down there
Wishing yours on there…

Thank you for reading 🤓

If you enjoy my writings, here is my other poem:

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A Shayens Abran

3x Top Writer on Medium. Founder Be Open publication. Person with Asperger & APD. Interested in Psychology, Fiction, Poem, Love, Life, Nature