Story about you

Poem - Fiction

A Shayens Abran
Be Open


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Image by Rapha Wilde via Unsplash

I walk down the hall
Past the places we used to go
Our secret room…
The air feels different, colder somehow
Remember your presence to warm it up
For a second, inside me ripples for those amazing moments…

I open my eyes and see him across the room
The man who’s made my heart flutter and raise
The big heart man who gives light in my long time darkness

Maybe one day, when I’m brave enough
I’ll tell him about you
About the love we shared
And the pieces of you that will always be a part of me

Until then, I’ll carry you in my heart
Like a secret I’m not ready to share
But one that makes me whole
Even when I’m apart…

Thank you for reading 🤓



A Shayens Abran
Be Open

3x Top Writer on Medium. Founder Be Open publication. Person with Asperger & APD. Interested in Psychology, Fiction, Poem, Love, Life, Nature