3 Signs You and Your Partner are Compatible

The guide on how to meet in the middle.

Shaynerose Magabi 🌟
5 min readMar 8, 2023
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

We all have a ‘list’, some may say.

Other ‘boxes’ that we hope to tick when we are seeking out a long-term partner for a serious committed relationship.

After careful deliberation, we approve these partners for the courtship phase.

Some characterize certain qualities as non-negotiable since they’re usually what their heart, soul, and body yearn for.

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Ticking all the boxes is uncommon but we’re grateful to be able to get a percentage higher than 60%. Remember, there’s always room for improvement.

However, what happens when you discover down the road that you and your partner aren’t compatible?

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Here Are 3 Signs That Give Your Relationship a Green Light:

1. You Don’t Want To Change Them

‘The One’ should represent everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. They should meet your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Their spending habits, level of attractiveness, and love language are vital things people brush off. These need to run both ways. Trying to change your partner is disrespectful. It’s demeaning to their sense of self and self-esteem and stirs self-doubt.

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Encouraging them to break bad habits that will allow them to become a better version of themselves is different from changing their personalities.

Helping them stick to a healthy diet, encouraging them on their fitness journey, or battling addictions such as alcoholism shouldn’t be forced down their throats. These motives need to be initiated by them, you just need to be their cheerleader and a reliable support system.

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Have you ever met a partner that described their significant other as perfect? You look at them and they seem ordinary.

Well, that partner met their spouses’ requirements.

They may not meet your demands because we are all different hence looking for distinct things other people may overlook or crave in a partner.

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Common Areas People Like To Change:

  • Religion: Asking a Christian to change their religion. For Example. To atheism
  • Eating Habits: Encouraging you to eat more or less to fit into their weight preference.
  • Family Planning: Advocating for more, less, or no children
  • Location: Moving to their favorite city or workplace.
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

2. You Both Make The Effort

Be present and keep your relationship alive. Communication is an essential way to ensure you are fulfilling each other’s needs.

Give the attention and time you both accord each other during the early stages of your relationship.

No effort is too little, the seemingly insignificant things often lead to divorce when they aren’t addressed in the early stages of a relationship. One partner shouldn’t initiate dates.

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In healthy relationships, it is the responsibility of the couple to make each other happy. One partner shouldn’t extend above and beyond for the other.

Compliment your partner when they try out the latest hairstyle or recipe. Share details on how your day unfolded, and invest in your appearance to keep them hooked on what they find physically appealing about you.

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Show affection towards each other. Your relationship shouldn’t be transactional.

Helping your partner in the kitchen or with chores around the home is a very mindful behavior.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Avoid helping for rewards. Perform these assignments with a willing heart. You will make them feel appreciated if you go the extra mile to show them you care.

3. You Know Things About Your Partner That No One Does

You don’t need to know everything about your partner. Leave room for mystery.

The beauty of relationships is discovering something new about your significant other every day.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Depending on the stage of the relationship, certain topics should be avoided. However, you need to know the things they rarely talk about with their family, friends, or co-workers.

Create a safe space for them to feel vulnerable and confide in you.

When arguing or in public, avoid bringing these vulnerable moments or confessions into the conversation.

Trust levels may drop and it will be difficult to repair that relationship.

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Here Are 8 Suitable Questions To Ask Your Partner:

  • What are some of your most treasured life events?
  • What are your greatest personal and professional goals?
  • Can you tell me about your relationship with their family and friends?
  • What is your love language?
  • Are there any personal beliefs or spiritual beliefs that you hold dear?
  • What are your feelings about marriage?
  • Describe your financial history.
  • What are your relationship expectations?

Strive to have a successful and ever-growing relationship by choosing a partner that shares your vision, goals, and interests.

Respect each other’s differences, and have open and tough conversations while accepting and working through a healthy level of conflict.

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Shaynerose Magabi 🌟

Poet| Relationship & Life Coach| Shaynerose has a passion for helping people connect with their emotions and explore thought provoking ideas through words