3 Signs You’re With An Emotionally Mature Man

Tired of wondering what’s the “catch” or what’s coming next?

Shaynerose Magabi 🌟
6 min readMay 3, 2023
Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

If you’re reading this, you might be wondering if you are dealing with an emotionally mature man.

There are times you’re proud of how they handled a situation, sometimes not so much. When someone tries to win your heart they will always put their best foot forward.

However, what happens when they get tired of putting a façade and taking the high road?

Eventually, their true selves emerge after years of suppression, and you realize it was all an act.

However, the situation is different when dating an emotionally mature man.

Contrary to what most believe, age doesn’t symbolize maturity.

Some may ask what defines maturity.

Good question.

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What is maturity?

Maturity is the state of achieving advanced development.

4 Types of maturity.

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Mental
  • Spiritual

In this case, let’s define emotional maturity.

Before you analyze your partner’s emotional maturity, first find out if you and your partner are compatible.

What is emotional maturity?

Emotional maturity is a stage that allows you to manage your emotions effectively. You learn how to navigate and understand your emotional spectrum and take responsibility for yourself and others around you.

That being said,

Photo by Jacinto Diego on Unsplash

What is an emotionally mature man?

Mature men are mentally and emotionally experienced. They exhibit self-control, respect and confidence in any situation.

When we think of an emotionally mature man we usually picture a dominant and secure person with a clear understanding of themselves.

They act like they know all the answers without being arrogant.

They are usually the ones we turn to when we need solutions to our problems because they exhibit a calm aura even when under duress.

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What are the qualities of an emotionally mature man?

  • Strategist. (They plan ahead for everyday and future tasks. They always have a plan).
  • Assertiveness.
  • Vulnerability.
  • Effective listening.
  • Reserved (usually quiet). Self-confident.
  • Respectful. Respect boundaries.
  • Honesty.
  • Patience.
  • Contemplative (they think before they act).
  • Adherent (they stick to their decisions).
  • Responsible.
  • Empathy.
  • Emotional generosity.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Humility.
  • Open-minded.
  • Decisive (they know what they want).
  • Self-sufficient (care and provision for oneself).

What are the three characteristics of an emotionally mature man?

Here are three characteristics that you are dealing with an emotionally mature man who is ready for a long-term relationship:

Photo by Ali Morshedlou on Unsplash

1. He knows how to make decisions.

We make thousands of decisions every day. Some are stressful and complex, while others require little or no thinking.

A mature man understands the importance of clearly communicating their stand no matter how sad, emotional or irrelevant the issue may be.

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He treats every issue with urgency and deliberation and hates going back and forth over matters and focusing on irrelevant details.

A mature man will ensure he uses ample time when contemplating an issue. This is because he understands some decisions need a quick response or approach while others need more time.

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Couples need to embrace joint decision-making. It’s their responsibility to avoid unilateral decisions if they are working towards the same goal.

In the long run, the process will deepen your connection and trust levels since you are focused on serving each other’s needs rather than each one looking out for themselves.

Three principles to consider when adopting the joint decision-making process when dealing with an emotionally mature man.

If you’d like to walk down this road, it’s important to understand that an emotionally mature man should take the lead.

This will enable him to guide you in the right direction.

When at fault they will quickly adapt and look for ways to improve the situation by being flexible and an effective listener.

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  • Communication.

Emotionally mature men will allow you to share your concerns. He will try to understand both perspectives and input ideas to shape his final decision.

  • Respect.

A mature man will allow you to make individual decisions and offer support.

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He will give you the freedom to wholeheartedly pursue your path without judgement on whether you succeed or fail on your own.

It is important to know that sometimes you must fail in order to learn by trusting yourself with whatever approach you choose.

  • Trust.

Your partner will consistently provide an environment that illustrates their trust in you to make the right decisions.

2. He includes you in everything.

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Once everyone starts looking out for themselves in a relationship, the relationship is headed for disaster.

The “I” or “me” mentality implies that you’re out to secure your needs and wants without considering your partner. This selfish act might force one to leave the relationship because single life seems appealing and a viable option.

However, when a man includes you in every step of his plans, it signifies he isn’t playing around.

He sees your relationship as a lifelong project and wants you to know he wants you to be a part of his world.

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3. He never plays mind games.

It is likely that he is playing games with you if you are constantly wondering about who you are, what your relationship means, or what your role in his life is.

An emotionally mature man won’t leave you out in the cold to solve puzzles. He won’t make you ask questions that show uncertainty about his actions, goals or relationship outcome.

When the time is right he’ll communicate the leap he’d like to make to save, improve or seal a relationship.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

He won’t make it his life’s mission to set you up with loyalty tests, marriage material challenges or a Bonnie and Clyde relationship.

All they expect is a genuine and real connection with the woman they love and he will give you everything you need in return.

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Shaynerose Magabi 🌟

Poet| Relationship & Life Coach| Shaynerose has a passion for helping people connect with their emotions and explore thought provoking ideas through words