Beginner Passive Income Opportunities…

Joy Ng'ethe
3 min readSep 9, 2022



Photo by David McBee:

If there were a prize for being skeptical, I would probably vie for it. Maybe even bag first prize because doubt and I go together like PB and jelly.

Often I go on here and read these fantastic stories of how people make 10K a month on passive income. The websites and mechanisms they use to achieve ‘stress-free’ income by doing nothing all day.

Let’s be honest, we would like to get that bag without getting tired or having to work those long hours for a check. Yet the activities described are anything but passive.

There are those that require one to have a website or social media presence so you earn through affiliate marketing, surveys also are a good option but those can be limited to very specific regions, and then there is freelancing.

The options are pretty much enticing and not passive at all. Wikipedia defines passive income as a type of unearned income that is acquired automatically with minimal labor to earn or maintain.

It’s either my view of passive was muddled or I am just lazy but the work is far from minimal. Surveys require one to fill out forms that will connect one to suitable surveys so it’s a gamble, I often miss the mark.

With affiliate marketing, I am not disciplined enough to be consistent but we are getting there since the website is already up and I am looking to work with brands that complement mine. The perk of affiliate marketing is the freedom to choose what works well with one’s intentions and needs. Though the process needs patience because it’s not automatic that sales will come in almost immediately.

Freelancing is great and there are so many platforms that offer the chance for freelancers to work promoting their skills. My journey on those platforms has been a rollercoaster and I took a break from them as a personal decision. First, you need skills to promote and then consistency in bidding for those jobs. Here patience and resilience pay off. Vigilance is a requirement too because false jobs are also advertised and one can be conned out of their money by unscrupulous deals.

So far the platforms that have worked for me as a beginner finding my way through earning online include Remotasks, Clickworker, and Honeygain. Tasks on these platforms are doable and work well if there is steady internet connectivity and a working desktop or the good old-fashioned mobile device Android or IOS. Zero skills are required and referrals are not necessary to earn but they play a part in boosting earnings. Payment schedules are monthly and can be paid in Euros or Dollars. For those that are invested in cryptocurrency, there is the choice of being paid in Bitcoin.

At the end of the day, everyone has their cup of tea or coffee, and no one’s judging. Find what works for you, research widely and keep your options open to learning and challenging beliefs. What remains though, is the process of earning passively is exactly that, a process, it is not automatic that the 10k will appear in your wallet overnight. Take time to build that portfolio soon enough we shall post about how we earn 100k monthly through passive income.

Cheerio my lovelies!

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Joy Ng'ethe

Writer| Life and everything in between| Reader| Poetry| Personal Development| I rant too