100 Days of Code

Shireen Kahlon
4 min readJul 20, 2021


My name is Shireen :) I have a different path than traditional. I went through college set on law school. I even graduated in criminology (yes, I did study criminal behavior). I went to law school and I’m a lawyer today (jk). I went and realized it wasn’t for me. The studies and work didn’t capture that passion and fire under me. So, I stayed a semester and came home. After getting home, I took a social media marketing course. I liked it but again, it didn’t light that fire under me. So, one day, I ventured onto Coursera and looked through courses. My brother’s a data analyst so I thought maybe I’ll start with that. The very first course I took — an Excel course taught by Rice University (shoutout to Texas!) professor — did capture exactly what I was looking for. I fell in love with data analytics and even signed up for the University of Texas at Austin’s (UT) data analytics Bootcamp! I thoroughly enjoy the technicality and how each piece of code can be viewed as a puzzle piece being attached to the last piece of code. The data visualizations immediately caught my interest in the number of stories that can be told by looking at data. The process behind data analytics is equally fascinating; computers are built for intelligent tasks — AI is a prime example of this! So that leads me to where I am today — I’ve found what I want to do in my life and now I’m taking that leap into this wonderful career!

As a recent graduate from the data analytics program at UT, I decided to begin on projects and blog writing (aka this post!)! I have many projects that I’m currently working on or plan to begin. I will work on these side-by-side with the #100DaysOfCode challenge!

100 Days of Code

The 100 days of code challenge, created by Alexander Kallaway, allows users to build a routine consisting of coding for at least an hour a day. It builds a rhythm for coders. Additionally, it allows coders to reflect on their practices and how they can improve or what they’re doing right!

Why 100 days?

It generally takes people 30 days to build a habit. There are thousands of 30-day challenges (Pinterest is full of them!). So why 100 days and what’s the difference? 100 days is used as it not only builds but solidifies the habit. When joining a 100-day challenge, people know what they’re getting into within the 3-month span. It’s the set amount of time that will engage the user at each point along the way. It will build skills that will stay with the person for years after the challenge.

Why take the challenge?

I chose the #100DaysOfCode challenge to build a routine while challenging and self-reflecting on myself. Furthermore, while I’ve learned a bit of Python, I wanted to build up my skills and thought this challenge would be perfect for gaining further knowledge on Python!

During the next 100 days, I will commit to coding for at least an hour every day. Doing so will help me build a habit of coding while also allowing me to add to my skillset! I am eager to begin on the challenge and to share my work with y’all!!

Keep up with my work!

I plan to at least use my Twitter, LinkedIn, and this blog(!) to keep y’all updated about my journey through these challenges! I’ll use the #100DaysOfCodeChallenge hashtag to post my work!

A little more about me!

Finally, to close out this blog, I thought I would write a little about myself and my hobbies! I was raised and currently live in Austin, Texas. I love to try new recipes and different (red and rosé) wines or homemade cocktails! In addition, I enjoy reading, traveling, and hiking. Within the last five years, I’ve visited Chicago, Berlin, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Amsterdam, Paris, London, Carmel-By-The-Sea, Big Sur, Napa Valley, San Francisco, Nashville, Portland (Maine) and surrounding towns, Acadia National Park, and more! I hope to travel to new places once things are safe again! I had a dog, Hank (his photo is shown below). Unfortunately, he passed away in mid-June. Hank was an almost-14-year-old Chocolate Labrador and he was the sweetest puppy. He had a heart of gold and just loved everybody who met him! Currently, I don’t have any pets but hoping to get another dog at some point (they just steal your hearts!).

I hope y’all continue to keep up with my blog posts or my social media. Please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or Twitter!


100 Days of Code

100 Day Challenge Tracker

Udemy’s 100 Days of Code- Python

About 100 Day Challenges

Effects of 100 Day Challenges

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Shireen Kahlon

Hi! My name is Shireen! I'm a data analyst and am currently completing the #100DaysOfCode challenge! I will be using this blog to post updates on this journey!