A Word — Schmooze

Gobaith Hope
2 min readMay 17, 2022


Painting by Isaac Maimon

Here we go again!
Hope: This week we are going to review the definition of “schmooze”. This should be an interesting word.
We will start off with — Do you “schmooze” all the time or just certain times? “schmooze” with your friends, relatives, writing a story to “schmooze” your readers.
Hope — Okay girls who is going to start?
Abby — I will!
Nins — Abby you always have to be the one to start.
Dot, Willow & Parsley — Ok, ok, ok! Let’s start “schmoozing”!

Hope — Okay girls let's get started “schmoozing” away.

Hope — Just in case you are not quite sure the meaning of “schmooze” info below:
intransitive verb: to converse informally : CHAT also : to chat in a friendly and persuasive manner especially so as to gain favor, business, or connections

transitive verb: to engage in schmoozing with she schmoozed her professors

Word from Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Clip Art of Hope Character

Thank you for stopping by! Hope

Clip Art of Mabel, Abby, Nins, Parsley, Dot & Willow



Gobaith Hope

76 years old, love blogging, still learning Medium.com. Never to old to learn! My "brain" cells keep moving along.