Update after Hiatus

Shroom Scribe
3 min readDec 29, 2023


Creator uncredited. From some website https://voltor.narod.ru/

Check out my Summaries of My Works article and my All My Fiction list for every part of my stories! Thanks :D

I haven’t written much in many months, mostly because I have been busy trying to find a better work situation, which I’ll get to. I’m very thankful to the few that gave me a poke during my … hiatus, let’s call it. But this article is just meant to relay to you the projects I am working on currently. I intend to finish a few this weekend and hopefully glide into a writing schedule that’s more regular now that I’m motivated again.

I miss writing dearly. It was never about a career path for me. It was a way to tell my grandmother that I kept the candle of creativity lit within me. It was so important to her that I be creative because that was something she valued immensely, her being an artist. Thanks to my grandmother, my wife, and to Medium writers for taking a chance on some dude that has stories and information he’d like to share.

Firstly, I’ll direct y’all to my mental health list. Believe me when I say that the list will triple in length eventually so, if you like that kind of content from me, there will be much more.

I’m very proud to say that I’ve now been a Behavioral Technician at a local Autism clinic for a fresh two months. If you don’t know, I myself am on the spectrum but have come a long way. I know that Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is extremely controversial but I’ll just say that I got the job because I was interested in what intervention even looked like for autistic children. I received virtually no support until I started advocating for myself in my early twenties. By then in many ways it was already too late. So with all that said, here’s what’s on my stove:

  • An internal perspective of an ABA clinic through the eyes of a skeptical novice with ASD. It’s fun, I swear! Not always but such is life honestly.
  • An explication of how my schizoid symptoms have changed over time. Much remains the same but change is inevitable even for ancient stones like us asocials.
  • A more detailed view of how schizoids tend to view the world, specifically whether or not people are good or even real in the first place. How much of what’s behind your eyes is an illusion you too are unaware of?
  • A dive into the psychic profile of one of my favorite writers: Lovecraft. I share many traits with that fascinating individual whose writing can only be emulated, never equaled.
  • Some kind of short story. This is always the most difficult for me because engaging with my imagination that intensely is very taxing. I don’t really know how people do it professionally. I might decide to do sequels to the work I’ve already published here.
  • A little more poetry. I don’t want to flood my page with it but I do enjoy it and I think my poems are pretty good.

Thanks for being awesome. I’ll be back at it soon. Britt E. Alien Affect

By AI-Postcards, from Deviant Art



Shroom Scribe

I'm trying to stay sane through writing. Maybe you'll even enjoy it :D YouTube: Shroom Scribe, Reddit: nooblootoo