How to begin your journey in fashion

Steps to take before spending any money

Simple Style
5 min readNov 27, 2016


So you’ve decided to step up your fashion game. Where do you start? Everything seems expensive, unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Don’t worry, it may seem impossible now, but if you know what’s ahead it gets easier.

If your first impulse is to head down to the closest store and just buy what you think looks in fashion or cool, stop. Before you put down any money on buying anything check these steps out first.

Know what your final goal is

Before you start on this journey you should know where you want to end up and how you want to look. Do you want to look better in a suit and tie? Maybe you are more attracted to the street-wear style, or maybe you just want to look good in casual clothing when out with friends. No matter what your goal is, the important thing is to have one. This will help you develop your personal sense of style.

Each one is well dressed, but has a different sense of style.

Having a goal in mind will help guide your journey and dictate your buying decisions.

Know your size

Any fashion related forum, blog or podcast will keep hammering this into you and I’m going to join in. Above all else you want to make sure you buy well fitted clothing even. A cheap well fitted t shirt and jeans will look better than an ill fitted clothing from an expensive brand. If you can nail buying only clothes that fit you well you’re already halfway to dressing better.

Repeat these words: Fit is King.

To get a good fit you first need to know your size and measurements. No this doesn’t mean just saying “I wear size large”. You have to go out and get yourself measured. Try visiting your local tailor, or if you have one near you Men’s Wearhouse will give you your measurements for free.

Own a full body length mirror

This one is simple. You need a full length mirror so that you can judge what you are wearing top to bottom. Just having the mirror above the bathroom sink is not enough. Get a cheap one from Ikea so you can see yourself head to toe.

Find someone to emulate

By finding someone you consider well dressed in a style that you’d like to see yourself in, you will have a goal to work towards. Whether it’s a celebrity, family member, co worker or friend, having someone to emulate will help you get to being well dressed quicker. Think of them as a guide that you can look up to.

As time goes by maybe you’ll have more than one person to emulate.

Keep a lookbook

This is similar to the previous point of finding someone to emulate. Keeping a “lookbook” means keeping pictures of people whose style you want to emulate.

Easiest way to do it is to make a new folder in your favorites tab and every time you see something you like fashion wise, save a picture or a link to that folder. See something you like in a magazine? Take a picture with your phone and upload the image to and then bookmark that link.

One other key thing is to also save examples of things you don’t like. Having an explicit idea of what you think is good and bad will help solidify your sense of style in your mind and make shopping a lot easier. Keep reviewing your lookbook, especially before you go shopping.

Examples of items I currently have in my lookbook

Start working out

No easy way of getting around this one. If you’re in shape you’ll have an easier time finding clothes that fit. The entire fashion industry is based around around the idea of the average consumer. Getting in shape will give you access to more items in stores.

Whether you are skinny or have a few extra pounds working out will have many more benefits than finding a great fit.

Here is a quick tip on starting to work out: Don’t rush out and buy a gym subscription. Start at home. Do ten push ups and ten sit ups. Can’t do ten? Do five.

Can’t do five? Do one. Do it everyday until you can do more than whatever number you started out at. Same principle applies for a running: Start by walking, even if it’s just around the block. Just continue to do it consistently until you can run for a few miles.

