My No Spend January Final Review

5 min readFeb 1, 2023
Created on Canva by me.

Last week, I did a review on how No Spend January was going in the middle of January.

Now, January has just ended.

This means that “No Spend January” is officially over for the year.

There were some areas I was happy in and in other areas not so much.

I can also do some things differently next year for “No Spend January”.

It’s time to review how “No Spend January” went.

Downloaded from Pixabay. Picture taken by user stevepb (Steve Buissinne).


  • Put A Dent In My Food Storage Areas- I got rid of all of the sausage I stocked up in my freezer. I also cooked all of the ground beef I bought last October. I made tons of meals out of what was in my food storage. I still have a long way to go though.
  • Stopped Drinking Soda- I used soda as a treat on the weekends in the past. This year, I’m choosing not to drink soda. I’m drinking water, coffee, hot chocolate, or juice. Soda was eating up a chunk of my food budget. It’s not good for me anyways. I used the leftover soda cans I bought for making cakes (on the weekends as a treat).
  • Stayed Home When I Wanted To Go Out- I only went out when I…




Hey there. I’m a 30 something single guy on a mission to live a more simple life. I plan on doing this by learning how to manage my money better. Join the ride.