Daily UX Writing Challenge: Day 11

Siti Rahmadini Rasad
2 min readSep 23, 2020


The elderly user want to buy contact lenses online, try to convince them to try your brand and services.

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash

Scenario: An elderly user is doing a Google search to find an easy way to buy contact lenses online.

Challenge: Write a title and meta description for a website that sells subscription contact lenses delivered to a user every 30 days — convince them to try it.

Title: 60 characters max
Meta Description: 160 characters max

Since the user is elderly, I thought they may be more comfortable searching things with a laptop or a computer since the monitor is bigger.

For the copy, I tried to be as clear as possible in the headline, then detailing it out in the body. I hope the meta description is interesting enough for the elderly to click on.

#DailyUXWritingChallenge Day 11

I didn’t get feedback in this challenge, but if anyone has anyfeedbacks, feel free to drop them in the comment section, I would highly appreciate it!

Thank you very much in advance!



Siti Rahmadini Rasad

A translator who’s passionate in writing things. She also loves reading and watching good stories unfold.