My #DailyUXWritingChallenge Masterpost

Siti Rahmadini Rasad
3 min readSep 21, 2020


15 days of designing different scenarios

This is my first time posting in Medium, so…hello Medium people! I am Siti Rahmadini, an editor and a translator based in Indonesia. English isn’t my first language, please do forgive me if some sentences are awkward to read.

A month ago, I came across a viral tweet about UX Writing by a local UX Writer. Being an editor that deals a lot with written words and visuals, I was intrigued. So! I started my own research, reading lots of UX related articles, watching UX related videos and attending UX related webinars and or talkshows online. So far, I think I’m getting a pretty good grasp at what UX (and UI) main goal is all about; to help the user getting what they need out of product.

Then, I came across this Daily UX Writing Challenge where we are given different scenarios for 15 day straight. I thought, “Neat! Now I can apply the theory I obtained so far into practice!”. They also have a Facebook group where you can post your challenge and get feedback from the members there. So far the people there are really helpful and they actually give me more insight to my writing and design.

Three weeks ago, joining hundreds of people who has tackled this challenge, I started my journey. I also treat this as an exercise for UI design to sharpen my rusty design skill. A bit of confession, I didn’t actually finish it in exactly15 days because I have to tend personal matters in between, but I’m really glad I pulled through.

I’m going to make this post as a masterpost, as some of the challenge got pretty packed with important feedbacks. Through observation of people around me, I find that they don’t favor long articles, so I thought breaking it per challenge would be an easier way to digest.

Without further ado, enjoy! Just click the link for if you want to see specific challenge. Feel free to leave feedback too if you feel some of it aren’t quite on point, I would love to hear your insight so I can improve in both writing and designing.


Day 1: Cancelled flight

Day 2: Sport season for busy parent

Day 3: Wrong email address to sign in

Day 4: Supermarket promo for delivery

Day 5: Sudden phone death while writing comment

Day 6: Fire nearby (GPS alert)

Day 7: Live update about sport match

Day 8: Your favorite band is in town

Day 9: Credit card expired when trying to rent a car

Day 10: Ask address without seeming like mining data

Day 11: Elderly trying to buy contact lenses online

Day 12: Trouble making account because the system doesn’t recognize user’s name

Day 13: Truck driver is behind schedule

Day 14: Comparing price app has unknown error

Day 15: Facebook page creation user onboarding redesign

*just in case anyone wondering, I will also publish this in my personal LinkedIn but I’ll write it in Indonesian. I will also put the UI design on design-centered platforms like Dribbble or Behance for my own portfolio.



Siti Rahmadini Rasad

A translator who’s passionate in writing things. She also loves reading and watching good stories unfold.