Daily UX Writing Challenge: Day 3

Siti Rahmadini Rasad
2 min readSep 22, 2020


Wrong email, please try again.

Scenario: The user entered the wrong email address to sign in to their account.

Challenge: Tell the user to enter the right email.

40 characters max

#DailyUXWritingChallenge Day 3

I’m paraphrasing here, but I remembered from a Google lecture about, “staying away from negative sounding word like “no, don’t” when delivering failure message, so I tried not to use them and go for a softer, conversational approach. Hopefully this copy would encourage the user to re-enter the email address without feeling too frustrated.

It seems my pic isn’t readable, so I’ll write the copy here:

“Are you sure? Check your email again”

UI-wise I didn’t do much, I heavily referenced Google sign in page.

Feedbacks from Daily UX Writing Facebook group (bulleted for convenience):

  1. It’s kinda sorta acceptable, but lacks clarity. It depends on the product too, consider specifying the problem: is it typo-related or whether that email is registered as an account?
  2. “Forget email” can be an option for the error message.
  3. UI-wise, “next” button width should be the same width as “input” field. Play around with the sizes between the logo and the “sign in” heading — right now, the sizes and the font weight are competing with each other — we need contrast to navigate the hierarchy of information. Look again on Google sign in page. You’ll see that their logo has heavier font weight compare to their title page “Sign in”.

I was in a time crunch, so I couldn’t make a revision on this one, but I will keep the feedback in mind for the next challenges.

If anyone have feedbacks on this challenge, do drop them in the comment section, I would love to hear it!

Thank you very much in advance.



Siti Rahmadini Rasad

A translator who’s passionate in writing things. She also loves reading and watching good stories unfold.