Daily UX Writing Challenge: Day 4

Siti Rahmadini Rasad
2 min readSep 22, 2020


Why go to the store when you can get it delivered?

Click here for the index/masterpost of all the challenges

Scenario: A user is in their favorite supermarket. They open the supermarket’s app on their phone to see what’s on sale and are greeted by a promotion.

Challenge: Write a promotional home screen for a subscription service that delivers groceries to the user once-a-month for a flat fee.

Headline: 45 characters max
Body: 175 characters max
Button(s): 25 characters max

#DailyUXWritingChallenge: Day 4

Honestly I struggled a lot with this challenge, but I hope I interpreted most of the brief right. Though the promotion is offering delivery service, I wanted to acknowledge their effort on going to the store too, so I tried to make it conversational at first. I kinda wondered if it gets too wordy at the end, but I hope it’s at least understandable for the user.

The selling point of this service:

  1. No long lines

2. Saving time

3. Comfort shopping from anywhere

UI-wise I try to make it look ‘fresh and clean’. Illustration I used in this design is from stories at Freepik.com

Feedback from Daily UX Writing Facebook group (bulleted for convenience):

1. Yes, it sounds too wordy for busy user trying to do their shopping, how about this: “We love seeing you, but life can be busy. That’s why we offer 25$ monthly grocery delivery. Try your first delivery free!”

2. UI was kinda distracting (don’t justify the paragraph, stick to align left or align right)

My revision according to feedback:


- Concise the body, though I decided to keep the ‘sign up’ phrase to match it with the first CTA button.

UI Design:

- Scaling the rectangle pop up

- Change the body alignment to “center” only.


For this one, I got pretty good feedback, so I decided not to revise it again.

If anyone has feedbacks on this challenge, do drop it in the comment, I would love to hear your insight!

Thank you very much in advance!



Siti Rahmadini Rasad

A translator who’s passionate in writing things. She also loves reading and watching good stories unfold.