Daily UX Writing Challenge: Day 6

Siti Rahmadini Rasad
3 min readSep 22, 2020


How to tell the user there’s a fire nearby?

Scenario: It’s Monday. A user has just gotten into their car to drive to work. They plug their phone into the car and start driving.

Challenge: How would you let the user know there’s a fire happening in a nearby town that is causing road closures? The effect on their commute is unknown, but there is a definite danger if the fire gets closer. How do you communicate this to them? When? Write it.

Headline: 30 characters max

Body: 45 characters max

This one is pretty tough, there are many possibilities and I was thrown off that there are no buttons required in the brief. In the end, I interpret this as a GPS message and made two versions; first one is following the brief and only act as a warning; the user doesn’t have to do anything yet and just prepare if anything gets worse. Second one’s body copy went past the limit and kind of descriptive because in my mind, if I still want to go, I would like to know alternate routes. It can be used for voice alert script too. I hope these are clear enough for the users.

#DailyUXWriting Day 6

Feedback from Daily UX Writing Facebook group (bulleted for convenience):

  1. Copy-wise, would it be better if there’s also an information on how far the fire is from the user? Of course, this is depending on the app.
  2. The design on the above part of pop up is kind of distracting, maybe it would be better to not the red background and eliminate the triangle for a cleaner design.
  3. Is the modal is an appropriate choice for this challenge? A modal usually has a button at the end even if it’s to simply dismiss the modal e.g. “Okay”. If you’re driving, trying to reach a small icon is tough and distracting.
  4. Try an alternate like something that could pop up on the bottom part of the map as a part of the directions detail.

After the feedback and suggestions, I was eager to try designing a third alternative while also revising the other two. I came up with these changes.

1st phone


- Drop the ‘proceed with caution’ for briefness.


- Drop the red block and change the logo color for clean design

2nd phone


- Adding the ‘tap anywhere on the monitor to view alternative routes’ for the user’s convenience.


- Drop the red block and change the logo color for clean design

3rd phone


-Add the distance between the user and the fire


-Add a button for alternative route


After this one, the reaction is pretty good, especially for alternative 3 design, so I don’t do any more revision for this challenge.

But if anyone has feedback for the copy and or UI design, feel free to drop a comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thank you very much in advance!



Siti Rahmadini Rasad

A translator who’s passionate in writing things. She also loves reading and watching good stories unfold.