Daily UX Writing Challenge: Day 8

Siti Rahmadini Rasad
2 min readSep 23, 2020


The user’s favorite band is in town! How do you convince them to go?

Scenario: The user is a casual music fan and (on occasion) goes to live concerts. They have a music player app on their phone.

Challenge: Tell the user that one of their favorite bands is playing live in their town. How would you compel them to want to go?

Headline: 30 characters max

Since the brief say “how would you compel them to go?”, I thought it would be better to go straight to the ‘selling point’ in the headline, then detailing the city and dates on the body.

For CTA button, I decided to use on only one button because after observing my local concert apps, most of them use one button too in their concert promo page. Usually the rest of information like time, venue, ticket price(s) and sometimes seat plans will be informed on the next page.

UI wise, I also didn’t do much this time. I based the vibe on how Spotify usually design their ads and tried to make it as clean as possible.

#DailyUXWritingChallenge Day 8

For this challenge, I also got good response, so I didn’t revise anything again.

There are feedbacks and suggestions on the CTA (Call to Action) button. Some members said although this is kind of nitpicky, “Get ticket” can imply that they just need to pick it up and not paying it, “Buy ticket” is more straightforward. But these can be tested again with the A/B method and see which phrase would be responded better by the app’s target audience.

UI wise there are also suggestions on putting every information in one line each for better information absorption at first glance. So like “Jacksonville, Florida” in one line, “April 3rd 2025” in another line below.

If anyone have feedbacks for my writing and UI design, feel free to drop a comment below, I would love to hear your insight!

Thank you very much in advance!



Siti Rahmadini Rasad

A translator who’s passionate in writing things. She also loves reading and watching good stories unfold.