Chapter 1 Trading journal #15 - 01/25/2019 -$96 Hit it when you can kill. This is the only way.

Peter Skalon.eth
3 min readOct 10, 2022


Fucked up the whole week here. Lost 4 times more than during the whole week.


From now on all my trades should be in this mentality. Wait, and hit and kill. You need to develop this in yourself. Always know for what opportunities you are waiting and how you are going to act. Preplan — see the action — re-plan — act on it.

  • Every trade now Should have a tag and results
  • Prepare yourself to act at every resistance level. know your answers right away on how to act at these levels. If it holds, if it goes higher, If it stalls.
  • Before every trade right after 10:00 ask yourself. Is there an edge? (Volume, emotions, pops)
  • The important psychological pattern I caught was “I will hold against the price action” Always look for reasons to get out. Trim, add back do what it takes but make sure to keep this hunter mentality.

$FCX Poor management here.

  • It was quite clear that stock is not going down — should have gotten out for break-even
  • If the trade is not working for you — there are no reasons to stay in.

$CLRO Only 2 ways to trade here: either short pops and cover half into the wash and then stop out for break even or just keep adding till the stop above PM resistance.

$INTC Should have hit our — the moment it didn’t work — since I was shorting weakness.

Got long — should have held way longer.

$TTNP Once again, I’m doing the same shit again and again. DO NOT long anything unless it is a super squeezer setup

Stay away from weak setups. To survive you have to have this hunter mentality. Do not be fucking soft. Only hit when you can kill. That’s should be always your mentality to be a survivor.

$PCG No Setups here, why did you trade it?

  • a fucking disaster here.
  • Were you ready to kill? Obviously, you had no idea what was going on. And got fucking killed.

$VTVT = No Setup here, no hunting here.


  • Why?
  • Hard to say. Should have stayed away.

Read next: Chapter 1 Trading journal #16–01/28/2019 +$14


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Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator