Chapter 1 Trading journal #3 - 01/08/2019 -$24

Peter Skalon.eth
4 min readOct 9, 2022


Day overview.

Although I finished red I clearly understand, where my effort should be applied.

The main thing is I have to be patient, and enter only either backside or at least after some confirmation on the front side. Basically, I have to hunt down the entries that fit my risk management. If not — let it go. I have some sort of psychological pattern “My lose won’t be big” — and this is completely wrong, with this mindset I will never be able to trade real size. From now on I need to track these types of thoughts and better take fewer entries but have real conviction and real alignment with my risk profile.

I also missed trading a lot, and I guess I needed some sort of rush.

Lessons Learned ( condensed from below)

  • Volume can show you when to get out or get in, but it doesn’t work for holding ( unless this is a 10-second volume spike — fat fingers and etc.)
  • Price Action is what matters most. If you don’t like the action — get out and reevaluate
  • As HFT said it’s important to anticipate zones — where everyone will add and will get squeezed.
  • 2 Stops at a time at any time after 10:30 am ( for now)
  • Once again, the volume shows you the Time to get out.


$AXSM I’m really happy I traded it quite actively it gave me some lessons here.

  • No matter what your bias is ( based on volume or the fact that you know about ATM) price action always dictates what’s going on. I held $35 PnL in the money twice during a day and instead of selling, I got stopped out both times.
  • With stocks like this, it’s ok to get stopped out right on the open ( you have to try to get the best prices, however after it — ALWAYS FUCKING WAIT for an entry in 5 minutes or 15 minutes — all entries, rejections were in place today and yesterday- instead I just kept stopping up and ruined my Pnl.
  • Maybe consider a rule of 2 Stops at the same part of the chart — perhaps it’s time to reevaluate?

$VTVT As ADF says — the moment abnormal volume is coming in — go away. There is no time in 2019 on fighting with trends and etc. He’s right. It’s wrong to stay with a stock because there is not enough volume coming in to break out higher, but it definitely is absolutely right to get out the moment volume comes in and there is a follow through as well. The whole move starting 15:06 was pointing it out ( shorts were forced to cover into the close)

Lessons Learned Price Action Is the King, Volume gives you a clue when it’s time to say good buy.

$WATT Wanted to short into this level, but got stopped out. Realized the stupidity of going long, while thinking about shorting. Left it alone.


Was watching it, didn’t want to take any position. Accidentally got one, got out right away.

$TOPS Shorted in the weakness — probably should have waited. Got stopped out. Re shorted. Covered half. Saw rejection. Shorted into it. Covered all. (got impatient)

$IZEA Didn’t want to touch it in the morning but got in right after the pop with $1.59 as a stop. Got 200 shares instead of 100, and the stock was holding up pretty good, so I sold 100 for scratch, was trying to re-short it, but never got a fill. Sold everything into resting orders at $1.43

$DCIX — Sympathy play here with TOPS.

Shorted after rejection with a stop at $0.96 cents, Sold into the fade

Read next: Chapter 1 Trading journal #4–01/09/2019 — $100


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Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator