Chapter 2 Trading journal #56– 03/28/2019 +$80

Peter Skalon.eth
3 min readOct 30, 2022


Pissed off. Gave back 30%. Got greedy and used too much size. I have always be aware of the proper size to use. Until this is in place I won’t be able to go any further.

Things to work on:

  • Use proper stops. Do not short the bottom of the range. Really interesting, why do I keep doing it? Am I desperate to be in the stock? Only A+ setups.
  • So Low of the day ( is not a good setup, unless there is a lot of volume on the day = day 1 of catalyst.
  • My entries really suck, many times I have the right ideas, but are not able to capitalize on them, due to the poor entries. The environment is a squeeze, so scale in and make sure the entry is good. ( it will give you a chance — believe me)

I want to have this day where I will make no mistakes. It’s just so elusive for me. I feel I’m getting closer to it, but I’m not there

CPRX -$16 This is a B setup. But I used size as it was A+

#1 It was ok to give it a try, but knowing that this is a B setup.

#2 This add was out of context completely. the only way to do this was after it broke 5 and retested from below

WBC -$7

Ok to trade. The proper risk was used here.

BIOC -$4

ok to try. B because day 2 + conference call

TENX +$15

need to rewatch the tape here

#1 Should have stayed away from the first entry

#2 Bottom entry as well. Should have stayed away.

#3 When it reclaimed over under ma THAT WAS the signal to get out.

CLWT +$17

AVEO +$19

#1 Should have covered on the second bottom at least one more 1/4 and leave 1/2 with a proper stop

CIFS +$25

SEEL +$29

Read next: Chapter 2 Trading journal #57– 03/29/2019 -$20 “Lost focus into the close. Completely. Learned a good lesson on SEEL though”

Thank you for reading. If you found value in reading about my trading journey — clap & let me know by commenting below.

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Peter Skalon.eth

Author of a web 3.0 edu project - 1000 day trading journey from 0 to $1,000,000. Ex prop trader. Marketing professional @ Cumberland LAbs - Web 3 Incubator