How to Talk to Your Spouse about Marriage Counseling (How to Approach Spouse about Marriage Counselling)

Skylar Madeline
7 min readOct 25, 2023


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

It’s always great to have an open heart-to-heart with you, especially when it comes to relationships. So often, I hear from people who are going through rough patches in their marriages, and one of the most challenging steps they face is talking to their spouse about the idea of marriage counseling. It’s not an easy subject, but it’s a crucial one. So, let’s dive in and explore how to approach this delicate conversation.

Before we begin, let me tell you about a client named Eden, who reached out to me some time ago. She was caught in the whirlwind of a turbulent marriage with her husband, Robin. Their once-cherished connection had become frayed over time, and it was taking an emotional toll on both of them.

Eden had been mulling over the idea of marriage counseling for a while, but she felt an apprehension that many people in her shoes can relate to. She was scared to broach the subject with Robin because she wasn’t sure how he would react. Eden worried that he might perceive her suggestion as a sign of failure or that it would exacerbate the issues between them.

One day, after another round of arguments, Eden couldn’t keep her emotions bottled up any longer. She decided it was time to have that heart-to-heart conversation with Robin. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but she also understood that it was essential for the well-being of their relationship.

As she prepared to talk to Robin about marriage counseling, Eden began to feel the weight of uncertainty. She wondered, “How do I even begin this conversation? How can I get him to see that this is about saving our marriage and not a judgment on him or us?” She desperately wanted guidance on how to approach her husband with this critical issue. Eden was determined to give it a shot, but she needed to know how to make that first step feel less like a stumble into the unknown.

And with that question in her heart, she reached out to me seeking advice and support. It was a pivotal moment in her journey, as she was about to embark on a path that would test her courage and resilience, but also had the potential to breathe new life into her marriage.

Now, you might be in a similar situation as Eden, wondering how to bring up marriage counseling with your spouse. It’s perfectly normal to have those butterflies in your stomach, but remember, addressing the issues is the first step toward healing. Let’s go through some practical tips to help you approach your spouse about marriage counseling.

1. Choose the Right Time and Place

Picking the right time and place is the cornerstone of any meaningful conversation. You want to ensure that you and your spouse have a conducive environment to discuss this sensitive topic. Ideally, choose a moment when you both are relatively relaxed and free from immediate distractions. Maybe it’s a weekend evening after the kids have gone to bed or a quiet afternoon when you both can sit down without any time constraints.

The goal here is to create a safe and relaxed atmosphere. By choosing the right setting, you show your spouse that you’re giving this conversation the attention it deserves and that you’re committed to a constructive dialogue.

2. Use “I” Statements

Using “I” statements is a communication technique that can make a significant difference in how your message is received. Instead of saying, “You never listen to me,” which can come across as accusatory, say something like, “I’ve been feeling unheard lately, and I want us to work on our communication.”

“I” statements allow you to express your feelings and needs without placing blame on your spouse. They set the stage for a more empathetic and less confrontational conversation, helping to prevent your spouse from feeling defensive.

3. Express Your Concerns

When you initiate the conversation about marriage counseling, it’s essential to express your concerns honestly but without being critical. Share what has been bothering you, what changes you’ve noticed in your relationship, and how those changes have affected you.

For example, you might say, “I’ve noticed that we’ve been arguing more frequently, and it’s been taking a toll on both of us. I miss the closeness we used to share, and it’s making me feel distant from you.”

By articulating your concerns, you’re making your spouse aware of what’s at stake. It helps them understand the depth of your feelings and the importance of addressing the issues.

4. Be Compassionate

Your spouse may have their own set of fears and concerns. They might be hesitant to admit that there are problems in your relationship or might feel threatened by the idea of marriage counseling. It’s crucial to approach this conversation with compassion.

Express your love and commitment throughout the dialogue. Make it clear that your intention behind seeking counseling is not to blame them but to strengthen your bond. For example, you can say, “I love you, and our relationship means a lot to me. That’s why I want us to get the help we need to make it even better.”

This reassurance can go a long way in reducing your spouse’s anxiety about the topic and making them more receptive to the idea of counseling.

5. Highlight the Benefits

In the course of your conversation, it’s vital to emphasize the potential benefits of marriage counseling. Explain how it can improve communication, help you both understand each other better, and ultimately lead to a healthier and happier relationship.

For instance, you could mention, “Counseling isn’t just about solving problems; it’s also about personal growth and emotional connection. It’s an opportunity for us to become a stronger and more united couple.”

By highlighting these benefits, you paint a positive picture of what can be achieved through counseling. This can inspire hope and motivation in your spouse, making them more open to the idea.

6. Suggest a Trial Session

Instead of pushing for a long-term commitment to counseling right away, consider suggesting a trial session. Propose trying it out with an open mind to see how it feels. You might say, “How about we give counseling a chance by trying one session? We can evaluate how it goes and decide if we want to continue.”

This approach makes the idea feel less intimidating. It allows both you and your spouse to dip your toes into counseling without making a significant commitment. It can be a way to explore the process and assess whether it’s beneficial for your relationship.

7. Listen Actively

As you discuss the idea of marriage counseling, be sure to actively listen to your spouse’s thoughts and feelings. They might have concerns or reservations, and it’s crucial to give them the space to express themselves.

During this part of the conversation, resist the urge to interrupt or invalidate their feelings. Instead, focus on truly hearing what they have to say. Active listening is a sign of respect and can help build trust between you and your spouse.

8. Reiterate Your Love

Throughout the discussion and afterward, remind your spouse of your love and commitment. Reassure them that your desire for counseling is rooted in your deep affection for them and the relationship you share.

End the conversation with a heartfelt declaration of your love. For example, you can say, “I want you to know that I love you, and I’m committed to making our relationship better. This isn’t about giving up; it’s about growing together.”

By expressing your love and commitment, you provide reassurance and emphasize that you’re in this together, ready to work toward a healthier and happier relationship. This kind of assurance can be a source of comfort for your spouse as they consider the idea of marriage counseling.

Approaching your spouse about marriage counseling is undoubtedly a challenging step, but it can be the turning point that your relationship needs. By being open and honest with your partner, you can navigate this delicate conversation with care and consideration.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, it’s time to take action and start improving your relationship. Click here to discover even more tips and resources on how to approach your spouse about marriage counseling and navigate the path to a healthier, happier relationship.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that will provide you with even more insights and practical tips on improving your marriage. In this guide, you’ll discover additional strategies and advice to enhance your communication, deepen your connection, and rekindle the love in your marriage. It delves into the complexities of relationships and provides you with a roadmap to navigate any challenges you may encounter.

Don’t wait until your marriage reaches a breaking point — start the conversation today. By clicking here, you’ll gain access to invaluable insights and expert guidance on how to approach your spouse about marriage counseling with care and empathy. You can be on the path to healing and growth together, just like the countless couples we’ve helped.

Your journey to a stronger, more fulfilling marriage starts with a single click. Don’t hesitate; take action now and make a positive change in your relationship. Click here now to access the resources you need.

