My Husband Told Me He Wants a Divorce (What to Do If Your Husband Asks For a Divorce)

Skylar Madeline
7 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

I’m so glad you found your way to this article. I wish we were meeting under happier circumstances, but life throws us curveballs, and sometimes those curveballs come in the form of a conversation that no one ever wants to have: “I want a divorce.” If your husband has uttered those words, you’re not alone. So often, I hear from people who are blindsided by this announcement, left feeling lost, hurt, and wondering what to do next. I want you to know that you’re not alone, and there are steps you can take to navigate this difficult situation.

A while back, a client named Avery reached out to me, seeking help during one of the most tumultuous times in her life. She was in her early 40s, with two beautiful children, and a marriage that had once been full of laughter, love, and shared dreams. But, like so many couples, Avery and her husband found themselves drifting apart over the years.

It was a typical Tuesday evening when Avery’s husband, Carlos, sat her down at the kitchen table. The look on his face told a story of its own, and before he uttered a word, Avery could sense that something was terribly wrong. As he gently put his hand on hers, he said the words that sent shockwaves through her world: “Avery, I want a divorce.”

Tears welled up in Avery’s eyes, and a whirlwind of emotions took over. She was scared, hurt, and utterly confused. The life they had built together, the promises they had made, all seemed to be shattering into a thousand pieces. Avery’s first instinct was to beg Carlos not to leave, to promise that she would change, that they could make it work. But she had the wisdom to take a step back and think before she acted.

In the days that followed, Avery reached out to me for guidance, and I could feel the pain in her voice as she explained the situation. She shared how she felt like her world was falling apart, and that her marriage, her family, and everything she had ever known was on the line. She wondered what she could do to stop this divorce from happening.

As we talked, I could sense the desperation in her voice, and I knew how much she loved Carlos. Her story is one that so many people can relate to, and it’s a situation that can be incredibly painful to navigate. Avery’s question to me was simple but profound: “Is there anything I can do to save my marriage, or is it too late?”

Avery’s situation isn’t unique. This happens more often than you might think, and it’s a gut-wrenching experience that can leave you feeling lost and heartbroken. But I want you to know that there’s a path forward, and I’m here to help you navigate it. So, let’s dive into what you can do when your husband wants a divorce.

1. Reflect on What Went Wrong

When attempting to salvage a marriage, it’s crucial to acknowledge that both partners play a role in the relationship’s dynamics. Rather than placing the blame solely on your spouse, take a step back and engage in introspection. Reflect on your own actions and behaviors that may have contributed to the challenges your marriage is facing.

Consider whether there were actions or inactions on your part that may have led to your spouse’s desire for a divorce. Did you neglect their needs or dreams, perhaps unintentionally? Were there unresolved issues or unmet needs within the marriage that could have pushed your relationship to this point? Identifying these areas for improvement is a significant step toward finding solutions and preventing a divorce.

2. Communicate, But Don’t Beg

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and this holds true in the face of a crumbling marriage. When your partner expresses the desire for a divorce, it’s essential to engage in a conversation that is calm, honest, and open. Avoid resorting to begging, pleading, or drama, as these tactics often lead to frustration and resistance.

Start by inviting your spouse to sit down with you, creating a safe space for dialogue. During this conversation, be sure to use “I” statements, such as “I feel hurt because…” or “I’m willing to work on our issues because…” This approach allows you to express your feelings and concerns without casting blame. It also encourages your spouse to share their thoughts and emotions, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding. Remember, successful communication involves active listening and the ability to put yourself in your partner’s shoes.

3. Seek Common Ground

Marriages can suffer when couples drift apart and lose sight of the things that initially brought them together. While you and your spouse may have distinct interests and hobbies, there are almost certainly shared activities or passions that brought you joy as a couple. Rekindling these common interests can help revive the connection that may have faded over time.

To identify these shared interests, think back to the early days of your relationship. What activities or hobbies did you both enjoy? Can you reintroduce these into your lives and spend quality time engaging in them together? Reconnecting through shared experiences can reignite the bond that once brought you closer, creating new memories to cherish.

4. Show Empathy and Understanding

It’s essential to recognize that your spouse might be going through their own struggles and challenges. While you may be focused on your own pain and fear of losing the relationship, your partner’s decision to seek a divorce likely stems from their experiences and emotions. To stop a divorce, displaying empathy and understanding is crucial.

Listening to your spouse’s concerns, even when they are difficult to hear, can create a space for open and honest communication. It helps both of you address the underlying issues that have strained your marriage. Remember, empathy is a two-way street. By demonstrating understanding and compassion, you can build a bridge of trust and connection, paving the way for reconciliation.

5. Give Each Other Space

Ironically, giving each other some space during a relationship crisis can bring you closer together. In situations where a divorce is looming, taking a step back and allowing each other some breathing room can facilitate reflection and healing. This space allows both partners to miss each other, reevaluate their priorities, and gain a fresh perspective.

In practice, this might mean spending a weekend apart or creating some physical and emotional distance. It’s not about avoidance but about creating an environment that fosters personal growth and the rediscovery of your own identities outside of the marriage. This can help you appreciate each other more and make the decision to stay together more willingly.

6. Work on Yourself

In addition to working on your marriage, focusing on self-improvement is equally important. Personal growth and development can be a potent tool to stop a divorce. By enhancing your own well-being, you can positively impact your relationship.

Consider seeking opportunities for self-improvement, whether through self-help books or online courses. Self-improvement should not be seen as an effort to change yourself for your partner but as a way to grow personally, build your self-esteem, and gain insight into your behavior within the marriage. By becoming the best version of yourself, you can contribute to the overall health of your relationship.

7. Make Positive Changes

Actions speak louder than words, especially when trying to salvage a marriage. To show your commitment to making the marriage work, it’s important to make positive changes in your behavior and interactions. These changes don’t have to be radical; small, consistent gestures can be highly effective in rebuilding trust and connection.

Consider acts of kindness, such as leaving love notes, expressing gratitude, or initiating quality time together. These gestures should be genuine and sustained over time. They serve to convey your commitment and dedication to making the relationship stronger. Positive changes can shift the dynamics in your marriage from a state of crisis to a place of hope and renewal.

8. Focus on the Good Times

When a relationship is struggling, it’s easy to become consumed by negativity and conflicts. To counteract this, focus on the positive aspects of your relationship and cherish the good times you’ve shared. Reminiscing about your favorite memories can help you reconnect with the love, joy, and happiness that you both experienced.

Create opportunities to revisit these cherished moments together. It could be through photo albums, mementos, or shared stories. Reliving the highlights of your relationship can help rekindle the emotional connection and reinforce the shared history that you’ve built. This perspective shift can breathe new life into your marriage and help you both envision a brighter future together.

If your husband has told you he wants a divorce, it’s undoubtedly a challenging and emotional time. It can leave you feeling lost and desperate for answers. It’s natural to want to stop the divorce, but remember that the best way to approach this is with open communication, self-reflection, and self-care.

If you’ve found the advice in this article helpful and are looking for more guidance on how to navigate the difficult situation of your husband asking for a divorce, I encourage you to take the next step. Click here to discover more tips and strategies for navigating challenging relationship situations and finding ways to rekindle the love in your marriage.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide on navigating the difficult journey of when your husband asks for a divorce. In the article above, we’ve discussed some strategies and tips to help you in this challenging situation, but there is so much more to explore. In this in-depth guide, you’ll find a wealth of resources, including real-life stories, expert advice, and practical steps to take. Whether you’re looking to save your marriage or prepare for what’s next, this guide is your roadmap.

Don’t face this difficult situation alone; empower yourself with knowledge and strategies that can make a difference. Click right here and take the first step towards finding solutions and support in your journey. Your future deserves your attention, and this guide is a valuable tool to help you shape it.

Remember, it’s never too late to try and mend the bonds that have brought you together in the first place. Click here now and take the first step towards healing and growth in your relationship. Your future happiness could depend on it.

