Trying To Change Your Spouse (Should You Try To Change Your Husband or Wife)

Skylar Madeline
6 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Ryan Jacobson on Unsplash

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s as old as relationships themselves: trying to change your spouse. It’s a question that’s been asked countless times in my career as a marriage counselor, and I want to share my thoughts and advice on the matter. So often, I hear from people who are grappling with this issue, and they’re not sure if they should or shouldn’t attempt to change their partner. Well, grab your favorite beverage, find a comfy spot, and let’s talk about it.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me tell you about a client named Stella who once came to me for advice. She was in her mid-30s, a dedicated mom, and a loving wife. She had been married to William for almost a decade. Their relationship was generally solid, filled with love and companionship. But there was one persistent issue that had started to gnaw at her sanity — William’s utter disregard for cleanliness.

The dishes, oh, the dishes! They piled up in the sink like a precarious tower of procrastination. Clothes were strewn about the house like colorful confetti after a wild party. The bathroom resembled a war zone, and the living room? Well, let’s just say it had lost its “living” status.

Stella was at her wit’s end. She’d tried gentle hints, direct requests, and even full-blown arguments. Yet, William seemed immune to her pleas for change. The frustration had reached its peak when she couldn’t find her car keys under a pile of laundry just when she was already running late for a crucial meeting.

In a fit of frustration, Stella picked up her phone and googled “How to change your spouse?” That’s when she stumbled upon my article and gave me a call. In a trembling voice, she told me about her struggles, her marriage, and her desire for a tidy home.

As she neared the end of her emotional outpour, Stella paused and finally asked, “Is there any way I can get William to change, to finally make him understand how important this is to me? Or am I doomed to live in this endless mess forever?”

Now, Stella’s dilemma isn’t unique. Many of us have been there, whether it’s about cleanliness, punctuality, or something else entirely. We find ourselves in a place where we wish our spouse would change a little, just to make life smoother or more exciting. But, is it really a good idea to try and change your partner? Let’s dive into it.

Should You Try to Change Your Spouse?

The big question — should you try to change your spouse? In most cases, the answer is no. Here’s why:

1. It’s Not Fair: Imagine if your spouse tried to change you. How would that make you feel? Nobody likes to be told that they’re not good enough as they are. So, it’s only fair to treat your partner with the same respect and acceptance that you’d want for yourself.

2. You Fell in Love for Who They Are: Think about it — you fell in love with your spouse for who they are. Their quirks, their habits, their individuality — all of it. Trying to change them is like saying you didn’t really love the person you married.

3. The Risk of Resentment: When you push someone to change, it often leads to resentment. They might comply for a while, but deep down, they’ll start to resent you for not accepting them. This can create a rift in your relationship that’s tough to mend.

4. Unintended Consequences: Attempting to change your spouse might yield unintended consequences. You might succeed in changing one aspect of them, but it could set off a chain reaction of changes that you didn’t foresee or want.

So What Can You Do Instead?

So, how do you foster change without damaging your relationship? Let’s break it down.

1. Understand What’s Realistic

First, let’s delve into the concept of understanding what’s realistic when it comes to change in a relationship. Recognizing the scope of change can be the difference between fostering personal growth and hitting a brick wall. It’s important to assess whether the change you desire from your partner is both feasible and fair.

Consider the nature of the behavior or habit you’d like to see altered. Is it something that has the potential to change without compromising your partner’s core identity? For instance, expecting your partner, who is naturally introverted, to become a social butterfly overnight might be an unrealistic request. It’s vital to differentiate between change that can be achieved through effort and change that goes against someone’s fundamental nature.

2. Have a Heart-to-Heart Talk

A heartfelt conversation is the cornerstone of addressing concerns and initiating change in a relationship. It’s not about simply telling your partner what you want them to change; it’s about opening a dialogue that invites their perspective and feelings into the mix. Here’s where effective communication skills come into play.

Start by expressing your concerns and emotions honestly but gently. Use “I” statements to convey how specific behaviors or habits affect you and the relationship. For example, instead of saying, “You need to stop being so messy,” you might say, “I feel overwhelmed when our home is consistently cluttered, and it affects my well-being and our relationship.”

The goal is to create a safe space for your partner to share their thoughts and feelings as well. This two-way communication lays the foundation for understanding each other’s perspectives and working collaboratively toward change.

3. Be a Supportive Partner

Once you’ve initiated a conversation about the desired change, it’s time to put your support into action. Being a supportive partner involves more than just words; it’s about actively participating in the process of change alongside your loved one.

Consider the specific steps required to address the issue at hand. If it’s a change in eating habits, for example, you can join your partner in creating a healthier meal plan, shopping for nutritious ingredients, and cooking together. Your active involvement demonstrates your commitment to their well-being and the relationship’s success.

4. Set Realistic Expectations

Change takes time and effort, and having realistic expectations is essential to ensure you don’t set yourself and your partner up for disappointment. It’s crucial to understand that lasting change is a gradual process, rather than an immediate transformation.

Think of it like a personal growth journey. Just as you wouldn’t expect to become a master at a new skill overnight, don’t anticipate your partner will completely alter a long-standing habit in a matter of days. Instead, focus on small, incremental changes and celebrate their successes along the way.

5. Respect Autonomy

Respecting your partner’s autonomy is a fundamental aspect of change in a relationship. While you may hope for certain changes, remember that true transformation must come from within. Attempting to force or manipulate your partner into changing can lead to resentment and damage the relationship.

Respect your partner’s right to make choices, even if it means they decide not to pursue the change you desire. Mutual respect is vital for maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship. So, instead of imposing change, encourage your partner to make their own decisions regarding personal growth and self-improvement.

6. Focus on Self-Improvement

As you support your partner in their journey of change, don’t forget to focus on your own self-improvement. It’s easy to become so engrossed in helping your loved one evolve that you overlook your personal growth.

Embrace self-improvement as a shared journey, with both partners working on becoming the best versions of themselves. By showing your commitment to your own growth, you inspire your partner and create an atmosphere of shared development.

When you find yourself wanting to change your spouse, remember that change is a delicate dance. It requires patience, compassion, and mutual effort. Cherish your partner’s uniqueness and celebrate the journey of growth you take together. After all, love is about embracing both the flaws and the beauty of the one you’ve chosen to spend your life with.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, it’s time to take action. Click here to discover even more tips and strategies for building a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with your spouse.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that will help you navigate the delicate art of fostering change within your relationship. In this guide, you’ll find practical tips, real-life stories, and expert advice on how to approach those challenging conversations with your partner.

Don’t wait to make a positive change in your relationship. It’s all about building a stronger, more loving bond with your spouse while respecting their autonomy and uniqueness. Click here now and start your journey towards a happier, more fulfilling partnership.

Remember, the key to a thriving relationship is about growth, understanding, and love. Click right here to access the tools and insights that can make a real difference in your journey towards a stronger, more fulfilling partnership.

