3 Innovations Towards Better Podcasts and Websites

Jaime Jay
4 min readSep 27, 2017

Crossing the line between the internet and the world.

Having an online presence does make someone searchable. And for business owners and entrepreneurs, it means getting found by clients and scaling one’s business. But how does it cater to the physical world we thrive?

This year we came across three innovations for websites and podcasts. They are:

1. Castrly

Lessen the turnaround time for podcast production with this new software. It caters to audio engineers, show notes writers, and the other members of a podcast team.

One of the challenges of producing an episode is on dealing with so many tools to complete it. There’s one tool for communication and another for receiving files from podcasters.

Not to mention the fact that the files sometimes end up getting misplaced and that the podcasters sometimes forget to notify the team of recently uploaded files.

With Castrly, production teams can:

  • Provide a podcast solution with their own brand
  • Send and receive automatic notifications on an episode
  • Add as many members in their podcast production team
  • Access all files and information in one platform
  • Create time-sensitive campaigns

More features are available. Visit Castrly.com to schedule a demo and explore the software.

Castrly isn’t trying to compete with other software available as it is yet the first software of its kind.

From a user’s standpoint, it is offering more time for teams to work on their responsibilities. So often they can get caught up with having to open a number of folders and/or task conversations. Imagine the convenience of finally being able to access them all in one place.

They no longer have to start a conversation to notify a teammate of a completed task. The software will automatically send email notifications on their behalf once a task is submitted.

2. Pete the Podcaster

Pete is a Facebook Messenger chatbot that aims to help podcasters increase their number of loyal listeners. Who doesn’t need a strong fanbase?

Since the time it debuted, podcasting has gathered a huge number of listeners and has witnessed the launch of thousands of shows. But the problem, as it appears, is not a lot of listeners find it easy to follow a show.

According to Edison Research, only 16% of those who ever listened to a podcast have continued to tune in for five years or more. The others…

  • 15% — listen 3 years to 5 years
  • 31% — listen a year to 3 years
  • 19% — listen 6 months to a year
  • 19% — listen less than 6 months

Here’s what Pete the Podcaster can do…

With Pete, podcasters can:

  • Customize the branding on Messenger
  • Customize the social sharing links
  • Generate pre-qualified leads
  • Guide listeners to subscribe
  • Guide listeners to leave a rating and review

Podcasters simply inform their listeners about their chatbot and provide them a link that will direct them to it.

They can inform them through show notes, emails, random conversations, and anywhere else they can think of.

Visit the website to learn more about Pete and about how you can have him promote your podcast.

3. Gutenberg on WordPress

Gutenberg is said to be the future of the WordPress post editor — or at least the embodiment of the improved experience that it is trying to provide.

Inspired by the inventor of the printing press, Johannes Gutenberg, it aims to make publishing available for everyone. And a better one at that.

Here is an example post using Gutenberg on WordPress.

Gutenberg was launched earlier this year as a plugin for everyone to test. Its impact on visual builders, widgets, and needs of the blind are just some of the concerns from the WordPress community.

Business owners and entrepreneurs also wondered how it will impact their current and upcoming projects on their websites.

Nevertheless, it is helpful to remember that Gutenberg is still on beta. It has not yet been implemented into the WP core, and their development team would appreciate any feedback about it.

Take it from Matt Mullenweg

“My life’s work is improving WordPress. I firmly believe that Gutenberg is the direction that will provide the most benefit to the maximum number of people while being totally in line with core WordPress’s philosophies and commitment to user freedom. So keep giving us your feedback, and let’s push through the fear together. It’s worth a little discomfort to change the world.”

Final Thoughts

Interconnected. The things we do online — these innovations that we produce — reach out to the world outside the four corners of the screen.

“We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.” — Stephen Hawking

But how much impact our businesses have on others and how many people we reach may depend on how much effort and quality of effort we invest. Marketing alone requires enough resources and time to succeed.

How do you respond to the evolving needs of society?

There’s a software to help manage teams, chatbots to provide a more humanized user experience, and an upcoming post editor that has the potential to greatly change the way we do websites.

Even the digital newspapers, such as The New York Times, are slowly redesigning and improving their strategies.

We’re treading forward. Innovating. Defying expectations and hoping that what we do will truly reach out to those who need them.

Overall, new things have been created for us to explore and use. Will you share them or keep them for your own benefit?

Give us a clap or leave us a comment below about the 3 Innovations Towards Better Podcasts and Websites. We would love to hear from you.

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Slapshot Studio is a collective of storytellers, strategists, and designers from around the world. We partner with ambitious leaders to grow remarkable brands and websites that foster community and ignite the imagination.



Jaime Jay

Jaime Jay proudly subscribes to the Ripple Effect of entrepreneurship. His goal is to help fellow business leaders discover their why through education.