One-on-One with Fellow Entrepreneurs

Jaime Jay
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2017


7 lessons learned about business and life.

What does it take to build a business? To answer the question, we looked back to some of the industry leaders we’ve interviewed on Stop Riding the Pine podcast.

Thank you so much for your loyal support. Now, we’ve reached more than 150 episodes and still counting!

Here are some of our takeaways:

1. Identify roadblocks and eliminate them

Having a goal for your business can be easy especially when you are sold out in being an entrepreneur. But sometimes it is inevitable to have these roadblocks that either slow you down or stray you from your path. Hopefully, you do not quit in the process.

“See what’s been stopping you, and take action on it. Get it done.” — Nicole Holland

When you feel like you are not getting anywhere close to your goals or when it seems that you are not getting any progress, you can take a step back and identify what is causing it to happen. Clear out those blocks in the paths and take action to succeed.

2. Money does not necessarily equal success

How do you define success? One thing that MLB World Series champion Todd Stottlemyre realized is that there is more to life than financial wealth.

“It’s about living your passion and being fulfilled in life. Money doesn’t always weigh whether you are successful or not.” — Todd Stottlemyre

You can have all the money, fame and all the glory in being one of the greats but you could still end up dissatisfied.

Be brave enough to live out your passion. Be brave enough to counter your enemies in order to achieve your goals. And through it all, enjoy the life you have — success can just be around the corner of your everyday life.

3. Know what really matters

The world is too big of a playing field for you to isolate your game in a corner. You can map out plans for your business and try to think of ways to scale it, but if you go outside of your office or just be someplace far away, you may discover perspectives outside of your own.

Dr. James Kelley put it this way, “(Travel) puts life in perspective about what really matters.”

The question is, are you willing to venture into the open field? How far are you willing to go? In the process, you could identify what really matters not just for your business but also for your entire life.

4. Be willing to pay the price of freedom

We live in a country that is blessed with resources and freedom in contrast to other parts of the world. But behind the freedom that we are enjoying are our very own military men and women who are risking their lives in battle.

“Freedom comes with a price and is something to protect.” — Jay Lucas

However, also in exchange for their lives are the well-being of their families and children. To help provide a better future for them, Jay Lucas supported the charity Children of Fallen Patriots.

As long as there is still time, you too can reach out and share the love and blessings to others. Because the freedom that you are enjoying — whether or not you admit it or not— is not a freedom that you completely made yourself.

5. Play bigger with category design

Listen as our very own Jaime Jay interviews Christopher Lochhead, co-author of Play Bigger and podcast host of Legends and Losers…

6. Live in the present … but don’t overlook the future

Sometimes we could get too wrapped up with the future of our business that we neglect the present situation.

“Be in the moment, where you are, whatever you’re doing. If you can do that you can find a great escape…and success.” — Terry Yake

Take every moment of your life and believe that opportunities are just waiting for you to grab. Work on what you want to achieve, constantly improve on it, and stay in your game.

7. Stay up-to-date with what works and what doesn’t

The trends in the industry come and go so quickly. What once worked for your business may no longer be as effective in a couple of years or even months.

“Now is the time to get in as an early adopter. Get in the Chatbot Nation because you don’t want to get left behind in this megatrend.” — Peter Lisoskie

One of the things that we’re seeing now is the power of chatbots. Skeptics will always be there but as you look deep into what is happening, more and more businesses are enjoying the benefits of chatbot marketing.

Are you getting the most of the technology you are using? Stay updated and avoid missing out on opportunities for growth and ultimate success.

Final Thoughts

Oh! There are definitely so much more that we wish to share with you. Each guest we feature on Stop Riding the Pine podcast brings with them a couple of insights and tips that you too can use to succeed.

Stay tuned as we are getting ready to release more episodes for you to learn from and enjoy. For the meanwhile, you can visit our podcast at and drop us some lines if you enjoyed the show. Again, we send our warmest thanks to all of our listeners who helped us make it this far.

Cheers to your journey towards success!

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Jaime Jay

Jaime Jay proudly subscribes to the Ripple Effect of entrepreneurship. His goal is to help fellow business leaders discover their why through education.