Back in the Day: A Hilarious Throwback to Old Tech vs. New Tech

Steven Barnhart
3 min readDec 4, 2023

Even “back in the day” is vintage.

Old technology i.e. the rotary phone.

Yes, the good old days when technology was simpler, slower, and less confusing.

Follow along as we stroll down memory lane and compare some vintage tech with its modern, mind-boggling counterparts.

Get ready to laugh and shed a tear for the good old rotary phone.

Quickly before artificial intelligence develops a corny sense of humor.

Rotary Phone vs. Smartphone: Dialing for Patience

Back in the day, making a call required the skill of a safe cracker.

You’d rotate that dial with the precision of a surgeon, hoping your finger didn’t slip, and reset the whole process.


We have smartphones that practically read our minds.

But at least with a rotary phone, you had time to rehearse your voicemail message while waiting for the dial to make its journey.

Which recalls the answering machine and that is an entire story for another time.

Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born. — Alan Kay (Computer Scientist)

Cassette/CDs vs. Live Streaming: The Evolution of Mixtape Struggles

Remember the joy of meticulously creating a mixtape for your crush?

The stress of hitting record and play simultaneously?

Now, we just drag and drop our feelings into a playlist, hoping Spotify algorithms understand our broken hearts and newfound happiness.

Farewell, mixtape craftsmanship — hello, algorithmic therapy.

Old tech boom box.

Stoves vs. Air Fryers: Cooking with Airplane Technology

Cooking used to be a simple affair.

Turn on your stove, wait, flip, done.

Now we have air fryers that promise to cook our food faster than a microwave.

It’s like we’re preparing meals on a spaceship.

The best part?

We can pretend we’re astronauts as we marvel at the magic of hot air cooking.

Houston, we have crispy fries.

We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. — Douglas Adams (Author)

Black and White Televisions vs. Smart TVs: From Shades of Gray to Infinite Possibilities

Remember when “high definition” meant adjusting your antenna for a less fuzzy picture?

Now, we’re living in a world where TVs are smarter than us.

They can order pizza, adjust the thermostat, and probably solve world hunger if we ask nicely.

The only thing our old TVs ever solved was the dilemma of what to watch when there were only three channels.

Gas Automobiles vs. Electric Cars: Silent Speedsters vs. Green Machines

In the past, our cars had character — they roared, sputtered, and occasionally broke down in style.

Fast forward and now we have electric cars silently cruising the streets as if driving were a secret mission.

Forget the thrill of revving engines; it’s all about the quiet hum of progress.

Just don’t forget to charge it unless you want to be the guy pushing his Tesla to the nearest outlet.

The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers. — Sydney Harris (Journalist)

The evolution of technology is like upgrading from a tricycle to a spaceship — thrilling, confusing, and bound to leave you with a few nostalgic chuckles.

So, whether you’re still wrestling with the mysteries of your smart TV or pining for the days of mixtapes and rotary phones, just remember: technology may change, but the humor remains timeless.

Now go charge your electric car and stream a playlist of classic ’80s hits — the future is now, and it’s pretty darn hilarious.



Steven Barnhart

My passions are fitness, doggos, guitars, and water sports. If you are a fitness buff, join my free fitness newsletter.