Privacy Coins List 2018 — Top 5 — Are Privacy Coins the Future?

Small Cap Crypto Investor
5 min readJan 14, 2018


Hi all, this time I will share about my Privacy Coins List, if you have not been following me on Medium, you should check out my other posts and follow me for more updates!

What are Privacy Coins?

The famous Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin has public blockchain ledger. When we talk about public ledger, it means all transactions from all addresses are actually publicly exposed. Privacy Coins are different. Privacy Coins have private blockchain ledger. If you think about a widespread adoption of Cryptocurrency from now until the next 50 years. I believe privacy is not a small deal, it is seriously a big deal. People would love to make sure their transactions are kept to themselves!

That’s why I think Privacy Coins are the future. They could co-exist in the future because the demand for them will be big enough.

Recently, John McAfee also tweeted that he thinks Privacy Coins or anonymous coins are the future. His support to Verge (XVG) has brought it to the moon (read: 10 times price increase).

In my blog posts, I always try to expose gems or high potential coins and tokens with 10x to 100x potential return. However, I seldom mention something with market cap that is too small especially when the risk is too huge, so that I could protect my readers from total loss. I love to invest when the coin market cap is between $30–200 million. Below $5 million is too early for me, above $500 million is a bit too late (Except when the coin has really huge long term potential, like: EOS, ETH, BTC)

PS: Read my previous blogs to find out about my 3 rules of Crypto investing.

OK, now let’s talk about my Privacy Coins List 2018:

  1. (PHR)

Phore is on top of my Privacy Coins List 2018. It is a PoS Coin with that uses incentivized Masternodes for services such as Instant transactions and Governance. You will need at least 10,000 PHR for a Masternode though. What I like about Phore is its roadmap and quick progress. They have delivered on time and now plan to build decentralized micro crowdfunding, online marketplace, smart contracts (to allow Dapps / decentralized applications to run on Phore), and many more.

I know I know, that is too ambitious right? However, when I invest in Cryptocurrency I have been aware that every investment has significant risk if you compare it to traditional investing in stocks and bonds. That’s the reason that I prefer to invest in moonshot and ambitious projects. Go BIG or go home! ;)

It also has a pretty low coin supply and market cap. Check this out:

Screenshot taken on 14th of January 2018

2. Spectrecoin (XSPEC)

Spectrecoin is the next in my Privacy Coins List 2018. XSPEC is awesome with its fast and low cost transaction, it takes about 30–60 seconds for a transaction. It uses Ring Signatures, to make it impossible to determine the true source of funds for a transaction. The most important thing is that they have professional cryptographers who really know what they are doing.

It is a must for you to check out and learn more about XSPEC. I think at this price it is still undervalued and has a great return potential. Similar with Phore, it has low supply and market cap.

Screenshot taken on 14th of January 2018

3. Sumokoin (SUMO)

Sumokoin is the next in my Privacy Coins List 2018. I like its community and also very low circulating supply. They are in it for the long term. It aims to be a private, untraceable, and fungible coin. “Fungible” means that it can be replaced by another identical item, mutually interchangeable. In contrast, Bitcoin is not fungible. Each individual Bitcoin has the same size, one Bitcoin is as valuable as another one Bitcoin. However, Bitcoin leaves traces on the blockchain. Bitcoins have ownership history of the coins linking to previous wallet address. Your $10 bill leaves no trace of all the people who owned it previously, why should Cryptocurrency?

Sumokoin could be a really good long term hold considering the market cap and circulating supply is low.

Screenshot taken on 14th of January 2018

4. Hush (HUSH)

Hush is the next in my Privacy Coins List 2018. It is building a Privacy Coin and a decentralized messenger. It is interesting how useful anonymous and pseudonymous messenger could be for us. With it, you can also transact with others on the platform. Imagine this, if people are using Privacy Coins, they want privacy. What happens if A and B are chatting via another platform, let’s say WhatsApp, is that decentralized? Is that truly private?

Decentralized messenger could be the best platform for someone to conduct secret and private transactional conversations. Yes?

Screenshot taken on 14th of January 2018

5. DeepOnion (ONION)

DeepOnion is the next in my Privacy Coins List 2018. It is building an anonymous and 100% untraceable Cryptocurrency sent through the TOR network. This coin sounds like the perfect coin for people to do shady things. Lol. However, we can’t ignore the potential of being natively integrated with the TOR network. They have built DeepVault and DeepSend. DeepVault is an information store that is held within the blockchain meaning that the data is immutable, forever! More specifically, DeepVault allows Onion members to store file validation credentials (hashes of files) within the blockchain. DeepSend will allow users to send and receive untraceable payments. DeepSend will use a multi-signature method to hide the transaction trace. What is important here is that we are adopting a tried and tested technology that is trusted by existing users.

Further more, I like the idea of using the anonymous mask on their website.

They also have pretty low market cap and coin supply.

Screenshot taken on 14th of January 2018

That’s it for my Top 5 Privacy Coins List 2018. I really hope you guys can benefit from this post. I believe Privacy Coins should be in your portfolio of Cryptocurrency investments with its tremendous long term potential.

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