SOCX is now trading on EtherDelta (+more updates)

SocialX Network
2 min readFeb 9, 2018


Things have been really exciting lately, and there’s still a lot to come!

First and foremost, we at SocialX want to say a big thank you to every single person who contributed with early support in Telegram through to the ICO — some of you have been supporting us since the beginning and others have come alongside to support us more recently.

To those of you who are newer to SocialX, here’s a quick introduction: SocialX is a decentralized social media platform allowing users to distribute content seamlessly and get paid for their contribution to the network. Take a minute to check out our awesome video introduction here.

You’ll want to make sure you stay up-to-date with everything that’s going to take place over the upcoming weeks. Simply follow us online by connecting via social media and checking out the community links at the bottom of this page. In the coming weeks, we will be increasing our online social media presence and we encourage you to connect with us through various platforms.


SocialX is now trading on EtherDelta and you don’t have to have SocialX tokens! Check it out by clicking here. We’re working on getting a better, more recognizable URL!


SOCS is available on BlockFolio

We’re also now listed in the Blockfolio app (see image). We’re working toward being listed on CoinMarketCap and Delta.

Check our blog frequently for more exciting updates. And again, we encourage you to get connected for all updates by connecting with us on any (or all) of the following social media platforms.



SocialX Network

SocialX is a decentralized social media platform allowing users to distribute content seamlessly and getting paid for their contribution to the network.