ASP.NET Core Identity Deep Dive — Introduction

Soheil Alizadeh
3 min readFeb 16, 2019


It’s time that we have an deep dive series for ASP.NET Core Identity that learn to use how ASP.NET Core Identity works and how we can use its powerful feature to have an authentication and authorization system. Also there are too many APIs in ASP.NET Core Identity that let’s use to manage Users, Roles, Claims, etc. In this series I really try to dive in ASP.NET Core Identity and look at all of it members and check its source code in GitHub.

We use ASP.NET Core Identity 2.2 version for this series and I should say that don’t worry about the next version that released, there aren’t big change in those versions and most of APIs are common. I will check all of changes in the last of series.



There are some source that we use theme:

There is other source code for ASP.NET Core Identity that is aspnet/identity, but it’s read-only now and ASP.NET team archived it into the aspnet/AspNetCore. Also there are an issue (#320) for this changes and we cloud read all details at there.


Here we have 2.2 version of ASP.NET Core Identity so we need to install the .NET SDK that makes use able to use this version.

Here is the last SDK download link:

.NET Core 2.2.104 — x64 / x86

Linux and macOS installation.

If you want to know that which versions are installed in you machine run your terminal and execute following command:

dotnet --list-sdks

Here the output shows list of SDKs that are installed in your machine.

If you want to get full information about your .NET Core install, use following command:

dotnet --info

If you don’t know about .NET CLI you cloud read its documents here.

So here we’ve done the installation step, And now we need to use an IDE or Editor. Here I’ve prepared the list of them and you cloud chose your option.

In the next part of series I’ll going to show you members of ASP.NET Core Identity and the structure of that.

See you in the next blog 🤞❤✔.

