Honoring the First Man in Our Life: A Father’s Day Tribute to the African Child (A STORY)

5 min readJun 20, 2023


We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children! ~Dennis J. Hall

Prof Nicholas O Walaga leads a mentorship session for boys with special needs in Baringo country
Mentoring session for special needs school boys in Baringo County

In the heartlands of Africa, where dreams are born beneath the vast skies, there exists a tale of resilience, hope, and a noble mission.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, we pay tribute to the unsung heroes of Africa — the fathers — and shed light on Sole for African Child organization that champions the plight of African children. Join us on a journey to discover the story of soleforafricanchild.org and how it brings light into the lives of countless young souls.

Where Hope Finds Its Home

Once upon a time, in the depths of a vibrant continent, there were children whose dreams knew no bounds. However, they faced challenges that hindered their growth and potential. Poverty, lack of access to education, and the absence of basic necessities cast long shadows over their futures.

Yet, amidst adversity, rays of hope began to emerge.

“There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his.”

~ HELEN KELLER (1880- ) Story of My Life

A Father’s Love Ignites Change

A father’s love can move mountains. Countless fathers have dedicated their lives to fighting for a brighter future for their children in Africa. They yearned for their sons and daughters to have the opportunities they were denied — a chance to escape the cycle of poverty and soar to new heights. These fathers understood the importance of education and dreamed of breaking barriers that held their children back.

The Birth of Sole for African Child

From the depths of one man’s heart emerged an organization that would amplify the voices of the African child — a beacon of hope known as Soles for African Child Foundation. Driven by a shared vision, a group of dedicated individuals united to create a platform that would empower African children and uplift their communities.

In honor of the founder and father of Sole for African Child,
On this special day, our gratitude runs wild.

A man of compassion, with a heart so pure,
You’ve touched countless lives, making a difference for sure.
Through your vision, hope was born,
A beacon of light for the children forlorn.

You’ve walked miles in their worn-out shoes,
Empowering their dreams, banishing their blues.
With every step, you’ve paved the way,
Guiding them towards a brighter day.

Your love knows no bounds, your dedication profound,
A father figure to those who once felt unheard.
You’ve taught them resilience, strength, and grace,
Inspiring them to embrace their own unique space.

With every pair of shoes, you’ve provided more than relief,
You’ve given them wings to soar beyond belief.
Today, we celebrate you, our founder and father,
A true champion, making a difference like no other.

Happy Father’s Day, a tribute so sincere,
For your unwavering love, we hold you dear.
May your legacy shine like the African sun,
Illuminating the path for every daughter and son.

Your impact reverberates, your spirit so bold,
Thank you for being a father to the African child, untold.
On this special day, as we celebrate with pride,
We stand beside you, side by side.

Together, we’ll continue to make a change,
Inspired by your love, forever in our range.
Happy Father’s Day to the founder and father so dear,
May your journey be filled with joy and cheer.

With heartfelt gratitude, we extend our embrace,
For your love, your guidance, and your boundless grace.

Note: This poem is dedicated to the founder and father figure of Sole for African Child, celebrating his role in creating positive change for African children.

Member of Sole for African Child team, volunteers and friends at a consultative meeting at National Musuems of Kenya
Sole for African Child team, volunteers and friends at a consultative meeting at National Musuems of Kenya

Lighting the Path to Education

Education became the cornerstone of Soles for African Child’s mission. Recognizing that knowledge holds the key to unlocking a brighter future, the organization tirelessly worked to ensure access to schools, scholarships, and mentorship programs across the continent for vulnerable children. By bridging the educational divide, they aimed to equip African children with the tools they needed to overcome adversity and fulfill their potential.

“Every king springs from a race of slaves, and every slave has had kings among his ancestors.”
~ PLATO, Thaestetus

Nurturing Dreams and Breaking Barriers

As the organization flourished, so did the stories of transformation. Young minds once silenced by circumstances found their voices and began to dream bigger. With every scholarship awarded, every classroom re-built, and every mentorship provided, Sole for African Child tore down the barriers that stood in the way of African children realizing their dreams.

A Ripple of Impact

“A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.” ~Anonymous

The impact of soleforafricanchild.org extended far beyond the individual lives it touched. As educated young minds emerged from under the shadows, their communities blossomed. These children became beacons of hope, inspiring others to embrace education and strive for a better tomorrow. The ripple effect of their transformation created a wave of change that spread across the continent.

Your Role

We can learn about it from exceptional people of our own culture, and from other cultures less destructive than ours. I am speaking of the life of a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children; who has undertaken to cherish it and do it no damage, not because he is duty-bound, but because he loves the world and loves his children…

~ Wendell Berry

On this Father’s Day, as we celebrate the role of fathers in our lives, let us also honor the tireless efforts of the fathers in Africa who fight for the rights and well-being of their children. Let us stand together with Sole for African Child, an organization that has become a catalyst for change, igniting hope and empowering countless African children.

Together, let us continue to support their mission, ensuring that the African child is nurtured, educated, and uplifted, creating a future that knows no bounds.




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