Solice May Updates — Successful Marketplace Launch, Land Sale & Soft Launch!

First Impression: a game review by the community member Jake.

9 min readMay 13, 2022

Marketplace Launch + Public Land Sale

Solice Marketplace (

Finally! We launched the marketplace with great success. As our community members know, we had trouble with our initial launch date due to problems with Metaplex Storefront that became apparent at the last minute. This affected not only Solice, but all other marketplace projects on Solana.

Thankfully, we could rebuild a brand new marketplace within a week after failure — while the original one took us three months. We were able to launch our new marketplace so quickly due to the help and support from LIQNFT. LIQNFT is a startup that builds marketplace tools on Solana that are scalable and network congestion-proof in most areas.

Within a minute of the launch, we received more than 20,000 requests while our marketplace was able to serve all 1500+ NFTs within exactly 1 second on average for most users. This is a massive performance improvement from Metaplex Storefront which took anywhere between 3 minutes to 15 minutes to load for some users.

Land sale marketplace traffic statistic (CloudFlare)

Furthermore, we are very happy with the initial volume we experienced. Over one million SLC in volume within the first hour of going live. That’s insane! Since the launch, we encountered a few bugs that we managed to squash with the help of the LIQNFT team as well as the Orca team. For anyone who experienced troubles with listing items after having staked on Orca, these should be fixed now.

land sale marketplace volume after 1 hour (

Successful Soft Launch

Game client loading screen (Solice game client)

We have had a successful private soft launch with a small group of community members. This went very well. Members were able to download the client and log-in with a setup account that was connected to their avatars. People were able to run around, interact with the minigames and view their avatar as well as their inventory items. VR capabilities are also working but still remain buggy in some aspects.

To get a first-hand account of one of the community members’ experiences, scroll down to the bottom and listen to Jake’s story!

Community First Reaction to the Soft Launch

Last Friday we invited a few of our most dedicated and engaged community members ( known as the Apes) to participate in the very first premiere of the Beta Soft Launch. One of the Apes, Jake (#Jake2482 on Discord), was kind enough to write an extensive review of the game and share it with us.

It is worth noting that this is not a sponsored or compensated review by no means. The review is written by someone who simply enjoys gaming, and has been a very involved and supportive community member right from the start. To begin with what struck him the most about the game was the color, texture, and quality.

Jake’s Review

“I was immediately reminded of other past games with attention to detail such as Halo, or Destiny 1&2. It felt like a triple-A game.

You start out in a space station room with a sleeping bag, a computer, a console, and a glorious view above Amoris, with smooth-looking buildings and neon lights that just beckon you to go look for a party, or draw some sketches of it if you’re the introverted type”.

Solice Soft Launch (game play of solice engine)

He noticed that the UI was very clean and easy to follow. The user is able to select their avatar, and see all the SLC tokens they have. That last part is particularly surprising given that this was only beta and his wallet was not connected for this, nor did he provide the team with his Solice Avatar’s token address. But somehow the placeholder for those features was already there.

After looking around for a bit and trying to orient himself in the space station Jake then opened the map of Solice which was populated with the clickable fast travel points throughout the city. Jake observed that it was very easy to get around, furthermore, you could also load right into two of the game rooms, or a talk show stage.

After that, Jake decided to play some of the available mini-games (a quick moment of panic when he lost some rounds of Black Jack before he realized that his wallet was not connected — ooff).

Jake continues:

“The basketball mini-game, I wasn’t really able to play as I was using just a PC and not a VR set, though it was available to use in this early beta stage if we wanted to. However, I could initiate the game and watch the gate open and the basketballs roll into the grasping distance. I always appreciate good physics, so I proceeded to jump all over the game as that’s just what we do. The rest of this game room was visually appealing with a cosmic view out the windows that gave me Mass Effect vibes, thanks for that — I miss you, Shepherd. (Gamer joke, but also serious, sad face).

After playing a few more games, Jake explored further the city. Again he comments on the captivating colors, textures, and so on (impressive indeed, as this is a beta version after all).

His only critique was that his character was a little bigger than it should be, but he believes that the Solice team is going to adjust the scaling.

Jake concludes:

“The stage is set, the world is here, now all the intricacies of depth can be added in. I was also treated to a preview of more in-depth demonstrations of game design and things that will be implemented that I’m not at liberty to say. Some things that really blew my mind of how immersive this game will be, even without a VR headset. I give this beta a great rating, with some bugs, but the team took all of our feedback, which is more than I can say for other betas I’ve been in.

Thank you Solice team for bringing us into this and getting a peek at some great progress. I look forward to seeing everything I was shown integrated into the game, and how you, the community, and partners utilize it.”

On behalf of the Solice team we want to thank you, Jack, for your engagement, and support and for taking the time to write and share such a detailed, extensive review of our game.

We look forward to hearing the rest of the community’s opinions and reviews this Saturday. Please feel free to share any feedback, positive or negative with us.

Discord AMA: Solice + LIQNFT

You asked and we got your questions answered! Two weeks ago, we had a Discord AMA with some of the team members. We answered some of the community’s questions. In case you missed it or would like to listen to it again, you can either find it on Discord or download it here.

Afterward, some of the Solicians shared their feedback with us. The main suggestions for the future AMA included:

  • Adding slides/subtitles to allow the community better to understand and follow discussed topics.
  • Starting and ending music to sign a transition of topic.
  • Round of live community questions at the end of each topic.

We would like to thank you for being open with us and sharing any critique you might have. We truly appreciate it as it allows us to learn from our mistakes and avoid repeating them as we progress further.

Stay tuned for the future AMA!


We have secured three partnerships in the past two weeks, including one exchange listing and two long-term partnerships who we will be building with closely to make the Solice vision come true.


LIQNFT/Solice banner (Source: Solice)

LIQNFT is a launchpad and marketplace for fractionalized and serialized NFTs on Solana. We aim to be the most accessible and efficient NFT marketplace for anyone to gain exposure and own some of the world’s rarest and most sought-after NFTs.

Upon seeing the variety of problems in today’s NFT markets, LIQNFT decided to focus on creating a more accessible and efficient solution than today’s existing alternatives. They use serialization and fractionalization to liberalize the NFT market space and transform the otherwise illiquid and expensive NFT into fractions and series that are much more affordable and liquid.

LIQNFT is a team that has a lot of experience building on Solana. They have been building many second-layer solutions around Solana to address network congestion problems, allowing them to offer a great user experience in the product that they offer. The team consists of many OG Solana developers that have worked on software suites such as Metaplex.

Partnering up with them allows us to provide a great marketplace experience, while we can focus on building the metaverse. Furthermore, LIQNFT is experimenting with integrating the Solana ledger into metaverses themselves on other projects. This means that they are an excellent match for us.

If you would like to find out more about the partnership we invite you to listen to the recording of Twitter AMA with Candy Shop team members and our founder Christian and Lead Architect Bob, which took place on the 28th of April. Check it out here.

$SLC Is Now Trading at MEXC Global

MEXC Global Header (

Solice is thrilled to announce that $SLC got listed on the MEXC Global exchange! You can now trade your $SLC on one of the biggest blockchain platforms, known for its high performance and dedicated team whose members are considered to be pioneers of blockchain and financial technology.

Founded in 2018, MEXC Global currently caters to over 6 million users in more than 70 countries all around the world. In their own words, they aim to become the go-to platform for new traders and experienced investors as they move forward in their financial journey.

MEXC Global is present across continents obtaining key licenses and passing jurisdictions in countries like Australia, Estonia, and the United States. On top of that, they also offer customized language support from investors from different countries which allows them to trade more easily. The exchange at MEXC Global is a high-performance trading engine that has been developed by experts from the banking industry and is capable of completing 1.4 million transactions per second, which results in groundbreaking efficiency and enhanced performance. User security is of top priority at MEXC Global because of which our servers are hosted independently across multiple countries ensuring optimal data integrity and security.


DDROP GG banner (

DROPP is the first social-metaverse platform where various creators can monetize DROPP LAND as well as social NFT minting experience based on geo-location. Their main focus is to bring tangibility and real-world interaction to the metaverse. Through that, they hope to change how consumers perceive not only the metaverse but the digital culture as a whole.

We will be working closely together with the DROPP creators to consolidate the realism of the metaverse experience. Since Solice is the pioneer when it comes to bringing VR technology to Solana blockchain and DROPP specializes in AR, the two combined together will result in enriching the quality of the overall user experience and bringing it to the next level.

Our collaboration will develop a crossover into each other’s metaverse, allowing users to have access to and benefit from both virtual realities. We hope to connect and expand our communities’ social infrastructure, whilst simultaneously promoting both of the ecosystems and developing them further in our Metaverses

Solice DROPP Land will be available to members of both DROPP and Solice, allowing them to throw and host various events, interact with each other and build stronger social connections in the virtual space. DROPP will be mostly focused on the gamification aspect of the ecosystem, creating mini-games for the users to play, compete and enjoy themselves.

We’re very excited about this partnership and looking forward to working with the DROPP team! Make sure to check them out.




Enter Solice, cross platform VR #metaverse on the #Solana blockchain.