Four [Random] Thoughts Vol. 3

Francisco Solsona
2 min readJan 25, 2018


Late at Pergamino Cafe in Medellin, Co.

1 Coffee Places

I love visiting coffee places when I’m alone, for I get to focus in the design of the space, in the book I’m listening to, and in the flavors, and texture of the drink I’m having. I enjoy the coffee experience.

If they didn’t put thought into creating an atmosphere, a distinctive identity, and having knowledgeable and friendly baristas, chances are the coffee will be poor, too. Two coffee places I love Pergamino (Medellin, Co), and Lattente (Buenos Aires, Ar).

Recommend your favorite coffee place in the comments.

2 On Mentoring Well

We've been working with devs and entrepreneurs for a long time; and we know mentoring is key to support them. We have tried different mentoring formats, and mentors. Today, I can say that the best mentors follow an investigative approach. Expertise and knowledge are great assets for any mentor; but the two alone are not enough.

Mentoring well is not about how much the mentor knows, or how much experience she has, but about how well she inquires and (helps you) expose flaws, and key issues to work on.

If you want to improve your mentor skills, ask questions that forces people to find answers. If they don't know why something happens, or are observing an un expected effect or result; you're on the right track: dig in!

Then you can suggest tools, or other methods to find answers. Do not give them the right answer; but a way to get there, in their own way, and ideally with their resources.

3 Clothing Labels

Is there anything more useless in the whole wide world than clothing labels? I mean, most of them are on the worst possible place: on the back of your neck, or under your belt. The nasty ones were sewn with plastic threads that hurt!

Content wise, clothing labels add zero value with regards to the article, it's not like you need instructions on how to wear your t-shirt. Some include care and wash instructions; but often are unreadable, undecipherable, and chances are you or whoever washes your clothes are going to ignore them anyway.


Add an easy to remove label or print on the inside useful info, like size; and, well, nothing else.

4 Backpacks

I'm passionate about backpacks, from the material, and the craftsmanship, to the size, number, and position of compartments. It might sound silly to you, but I get this feeling of completeness when I have the right backpack with me… A silent, resourceful companion.

These days I'm using an oversized Thule Covert DSLR Rolltop that is built like a tank, and has plenty of spaces to organize your personal and photo gear. Super confortable, water resistant, and durable.

I wish Thule made pants using the same material as this backpack. :)



Francisco Solsona

Skeptic, googler (developers & startups), traveler, runner, and n00b in many things; like photography, gaming, and blogging.