Four [Random] Thoughts Vol. 4

Francisco Solsona
2 min readFeb 3, 2018


[Random] couple enjoying a beautiful, sunny day in Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1 Solve for Happy

Do activities that interest you; sleep, read, dance, sing, run, or whatever you need to do to be happy. Create ambitious goals for your life, plan a route to get there, and give the first step in that direction.

Or not.

Whatever makes your happy. Only then will you enjoy a significant other, your family, or a friend. You will be fun to be around, and make others happy, too.

If you feel jealous, or mistrust your partner, peers, team, boss, etc.; you're doing it wrong. You're breaking the one rule, and not solving for happy.

2 Be Yourself

Do not dress for the job you like, dress to be yourself. I know that in certain contexts you can be push into social, or work dress codes. But if it's your call, wear what you love; not clothes that are fashionable, or that you think will get you approving thumbs up.

To critique people for the way they look or dress is foolish, and exalts the critic's own limitations.

Being oneself is the best way to free yourself from prejudice, let your creativity run wild, and focus on what matters.

3 Packing Light: Exercise Outfit

If you exercise while traveling, get yourself an easy to wash outfit, and light enough for it to dry overnight at the hotel, airbnb, or wherever you're staying.

E.g. I travel with one set of shorts, and t-shirt that I wash after showering, and left to dry at my hotel room while I go about my day. Select your favorite materials, or blends: cotton, polyester, etc.; and make sure to get models that are quick drying, and lightweight.

4 Book: Wizard's First Rule

I was so hooked to this book for a couple of weeks, that I even extended a little bit my runs or walks to continue listening to it. Terry Goodkind created a fast paced story, full of twists and complications for our hero, Richard Cypher.

I won't spoiled the book for you, but I'll tell you that Wizard's First Rule is a love story (like most stories, I guess) that presents us, almost equally with lovable, and hate-able characters. And some of the truths, and dialogues in the novel, apply perfectly to real life!

Take, for instance, the actual first rule:

“People are stupid. They will believe a lie because they want to believe it’s true, or because they are afraid it might be true.”

Food for thought.



Francisco Solsona

Skeptic, googler (developers & startups), traveler, runner, and n00b in many things; like photography, gaming, and blogging.