Changing LAS file version using LASTools

Greg Wilson
1 min readMar 30, 2017


There are a few formats for .las files. My LiDAR arrived in the version 1.4 format. Some of the tools I want to use cannot read that format. They require the version 1.2 format. Conversion is required.

  • Open the Windows command prompt:Win + X then select Command prompt
  • Navigate to the project folder: CD C:\GossanHill
  • My project folder contains these items:
  • Enter a command like this: las2las -i Merged.las -set_version 1.2 -o Merged12.las
  • las2las is the program to run
  • Merged.las is the file to act upon
  • -set_version 1.2 is the command option.
  • -o Merged12.las indicates that we wish to create a new output file with the name mentioned
  • The program responds:
WARNING: downgrading point_data_format from 6 to 1
and point_data_record_length from 30 to 28

The program runs for a moment, and then the process is complete.


You can use the lasinfo.exe program to inspect the version of a .las file. Before the conversion, lasinfo.exe Merged.las reported version major.minor: 1.4 . After, lasinfo.exe Merged12.las reported version major.minor: 1.2 .

This article is part of the Orienteering Mapping with LiDAR, Smartphones and Free Tools series.

Polite and constructive responses are always welcome.



Greg Wilson

Hopeless at orienteering, rubbish at flying radio controlled planes, but enjoys both activities anyway.