Changing map objects using tags

Greg Wilson
2 min readApr 3, 2017


A lot of the items imported into Open Orienteering Mapper have attached data, or ‘tags’.

The image below shows the tags for the selected item. (Use the triangular pointer to select an item, and use the View menu to open the Tag Editor to make the tags visible.)

This imported street is tagged as residential

The Tag Selector makes it possible to select all the items with tags of interest. Then you can edit all the selected items in one operation. Make the tag selector visible using the View menu.

In this example, I set the Key to ‘highway’ and the Value to ‘residential’, then use ‘Select’. There are 48 items selected, and Open Orienteering Mapper shows a purple bounding box around the set of them.

Using the tag selector

I want to replace all those residential roads with orienteering road symbols. I choose the Minor road symbol, and use the Switch symbol tool from the top toolbar. Now all 48 selected items have been changed into the correct orienteering symbols.

Using the Switch Symbol tool

Now all the residential roads are marked correctly.

I repeat the process with other tags, such as:

  • highway:primary to major road
  • highway:secondary to major road
  • highway:secondary_link to major road
  • highway:tertiary to major road
  • highway:tertiary_link to major road
  • highway:unclassified to major road
  • highway:service to road
  • highway:cycleway to road
  • highway:footway to footpath
  • highway:track to vehicle track
  • highway:path to small path
  • leisure:pitch to open land
  • landuse:residential to settlement
  • amenity:school to out of bounds area
  • amenity:parking to paved area
  • building:yes to building
  • leisure:nature_reserve to deleted
  • natural:wood to deleted

After making those substitutions, the map is starting to look promising.

Map overview after making all the substitutions

This article is part of the Orienteering Mapping with LiDAR, Smartphones and Free Tools series.

Polite and constructive responses are always welcome.



Greg Wilson

Hopeless at orienteering, rubbish at flying radio controlled planes, but enjoys both activities anyway.