Generating slope and relief images with OL Laser

Greg Wilson
2 min readApr 1, 2017


Slope and relief images can be very handy for detecting and studying features in the terrain.

Run OL Laser, then:

  • Open your LiDAR data file (it can take a little while). Use the ‘open laserfile’ button.
  • Let OL Laser to some preparation by pressing the ‘Create GRD/TIN’ button (this can take a little while too)
  • Under ‘Images’ select ‘Relief’ and then ‘Create image’. The process is fast, but you won’t see the results until the next step
  • Under ‘Draw’ select the image.
  • You can save the output as georeferenced image file
  • Here’s how it looked for me:
OL Laser relief image
  • The process is virtually identical for slope images.
OL Laser slope image
  • You can create new parameter sets with your preferences. Use the ‘Maintenance’ menu item. Then use the ‘New’ button. You can control things such as the light source’s elevation and direction.

This article is part of the Orienteering Mapping with LiDAR, Smartphones and Free Tools series.

Polite and constructive responses are always welcome.



Greg Wilson

Hopeless at orienteering, rubbish at flying radio controlled planes, but enjoys both activities anyway.