The Madcap & The Nastiness From Religious Crazies To TERFs In Response To COVID-19

Sophia C Botha
5 min readMar 23, 2020

One thing I’m finding hard to compute right now is you’re twisting my melon man 30 years since the Happy Monday’s released Step On and it’s like where have the years gone because I remember the whole Madchester/Baggy era like it was yesterday, the other thing I’m finding hard to compute is the conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was caused by the roll out of 5G?!?! Of all the conspiracy theory bullshit I’ve heard about the cause of COVID-19, the theory that the latest generation of wireless communications technology for data networks is the real cause of the COVID-19 pandemic is the most madcap bat shit crazy, I mean how the fuck can anybody make a link between digital technology causing a flu like virus unless they’re some technophobic boomer who thinks computers are the root of all evil and there are a few of those around aren’t there though likely far less after COVID-19 is done with them.

I’m surprised some paranoid crank hasn’t been propagating the conspiracy theory that the reason everybody is being ordered to stay at home is because world leaders know an alien invasion is imminent, kooky as fuck oh yes most definitely but it would make more sense then any religious bullshit I hear in relation to COVID-19 or relating to anything else. Religion & god & stuff is something which today I can’t fathom anymore then I could fathom back in 1990 when the Happy Mondays were doing their thing, I mean say you have a child of Christian parents who thinks fairies at the bottom of the garden are instructing them what to do well in response I’d suspect those Christian parents would have their child in therapy double quick and yet still drag them to church every Sunday morning to be instructed by a mystical sky daddy on how to live their life, when both Jesus Christ and Che Guevara were failed revolutionaries in their own lifetimes so why is it if somebody who hears the voice of Jesus is considered saved and yet somebody who hears the voice of Che Guevara is considered insane? Humans tend to be social animals, so if god created humans in his own image then who does god socialise with? Burning bushes telling biblical figures to kill their kids sounds more like schizophrenia to me then a sign from god, yeah atheist me could be here all fucking day poking at the inconsistencies and hypocrisy and general stupidity of religion and belief in mystical sky daddies but that’s not the point of this article.

Kenneth Copeland

I wrote about Christian televangelist Kenneth Copeland last week for conning the gullible into thinking if they touched the TV screen with their hand at the same time as his anointed hand then he would heal them of COVID-19, well the snake oil salesman is at it again, this time he was telling people that if they lose their job then they mustn’t lose faith in Jesus which of course entails them to continue sending him generous donations, so he can no doubt buy more expensive toys to go with the private jet he recently bought with donations to his church.

Ron Paul

Pastor Perry Stone is a conservative Christian preacher who’s been claiming the coronavirus is a Satanic attempt to kill older Christians so socialism can take over in the U.S, which is pretty much the same bullshit libertarian moron Ron Paul has been peddling minus the stuff about COVID-19 being Satanic, all of which my response is to fucking yawn, isn’t Ron Paul supposedly a medical physician so shouldn’t he know better about what he’s been broadcasting or is it a case he does know better and is just saying the shit he has about COVID-19 to grift the gullible.

Over in Iran which is now one of the most affected countries by COVID-19 due to a combination of U.S sanctions and it having a seriously fucked up theocratic regime, a religious scholar who said COVID-19 was an “act of Allah” and “Divine Punishment against the Chinese” has now been infected with the Coronavirus and I read somewhere that another senior Islamic scholar who held a governmental position has died from COVID-19, well doesn’t Allah work in mysterious ways or maybe if the Iranian regime dedicated their resources on healthcare provision rather then policing how women wore their hijabs in public things wouldn’t be as bad for the Iranian people as they currently are.

Kind of weird isn’t it having the Trump administration and the Iranian establishment in lockstep when it comes to blaming China for COVID-19, but racism isn’t going to help us deal with the COVID-19 pandemic nor is partially the blame on any section of society, sure I’ve seen reports about the religious crazies blaming LGBTQ people and in particular trans people for the COVID-19 pandemic which is the attention seeking tactic regularly used by bigoted religious zealots anytime there’s a natural disaster, however the latest bout of transphobic bullshit in response to the COVID-19 pandemic I’m aware of isn’t religious in nature just the stereotypical hatred a trans woman has come to expect from bigoted TERFs.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) have been trolling Reddit saying that during the COVID-19 lockdown that trans women will get all depressed and suicidal because we won’t be able to have others around to validate ys being women and rejoicing in the possibility that the Coronavirus might kill off many trans women, hey I don’t need any other person to validate I’m a woman it’s something I’ve instinctively known since I can remember and I just find it fucking sickening that TERFs would be rejoicing in the possible death of trans women due to the current pandemic, it’s no better then the tweet I saw of an Islamophobic racist hoping any COVID-19 vaccine would be pork based.



Sophia C Botha

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